Website Manager


Code of Conduct

The Blazer Mat Club follows the BCSWL Bylaws. In addition we have our own bylaws. Please refer to the list below for the BMC Guidelines:

Note that any individual who would like to be actively involved in the room is required to complete and submit their results for the PA Criminal Record Check, PA Child Abuse Clearance, and Concussion Protocal Training before admittance into practices as a volunteer coach.
A verified, all in one service we utilize for the background checks can be found Here.

The Blazer Mat Club is responsible for the conduct of all wrestlers, fans, parents, and coaches within
the program. Our organization expects nothing but the utmost respect and sportsmanship from all
of our wrestlers and parents when it comes time to dealing with fellow wrestlers, opponents,
officials, etc. Unacceptable conduct/behavior is damaging to the reputation of the Blazer Mat Club.
It is everyone’s responsibility to monitor their behavior during tournaments and matches.

Guidelines and expectations:
1. Profanity of any type will not be tolerated at any time. This includes all Blazer Mat Club activities,
including, but not limited to, tournaments, matches, practices, banquets, on any Social Media, etc.

2. Verbal threats, physical confrontations or bullying of any kind between fellow/opposing parents,
wrestlers, coaches, fans or officials will not be tolerated at any time or place. Any threats of these
types of actions verbally or on any Social Media are completely unacceptable and will be reviewed
and acted upon immediately by the Board and may result in permanent expulsion from future
Blazer Mat Club events for the wrestler/parent involved without going through the consequences
listed below.

All wrestlers, parents and coaches are expected to fully support the Blazer Mat Club and promote a
positive environment for everyone involved. Any negative or degrading comments in public or on
any Social Media concerning the Blazer Mat Club, coaches, wrestlers, officials and/or opposing
wrestler’s parents will not be tolerated. The Board members and Coaches are committed to making
sure that this youth wrestling program be a positive experience for the kids in our community.

1. During any match, if a parent/relative conducts themselves in an unsportsmanlike manner
(foul language, derogatory comments/gestures, etc.), they will be asked to leave the mat
side immediately by a coach, board member or tournament/match director.

2. If it happens a second time, regardless of when the first incidence happened, the
parent/relative be escorted out by a coach, board member or tournament/match director
and the child will forfeit any remaining matches that day.

3. If it happens a third time, regardless of when the first and second incidence occurred, the
family will be removed from the Blazer Mat Club program and the child(ren) will not be
allowed to wrestle in Friday night matches or tournaments with or under the Blazer Mat
Club affiliation for the duration of the season. It will be determined at a later time if the
family can re-join the following year.