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West Muskingum Youth League (“WMYL”) recognizes the importance of the Internet in shaping the public’s perception of our
organization. WMYL also recognizes the importance of our Board members, Heads of Sport, coaches, parents, players and
volunteers in leading and setting the tone of social media interactions in a manner that advances WMYL’s mission and goals.

West Muskingum Youth League is dedicated to the development of well-rounded youth through positive sports competition.
We strive to develop fundamental skills through active participation of our players and to promote good sportsmanship from
our players, coaches, and parents. West Muskingum Youth League is dedicated to the support of the organized sports in the
West Muskingum Local School District. WMYL believes that our mission is to provide these organized sports with as many
athletes as possible that are as well prepared as possible for that next level.

This Social Media Policy applies to all Board members, Heads of Sport, coaches, parents of participating children, participating
children and volunteers (“WMYL Members”). This Social Media Policy applies to all social media content posted by WMYL
Members in their professional and personal capacity to the extent such content is related to WMYL.

WMYL strives to create a positive and inclusive organization that is dedicated to helping young athletes reach their potential. In
furtherance of this goal, WMYL aspires to engage members of the West Muskingum community in positive, honest,
transparent, and knowledgeable dialogue about WMYL through social media. WMYL views social media as an important tool
for communicating its successes and opportunities for athletic and individual development. WMYL also views social media as a
platform for receiving constructive feedback from the community and for discussing WMYL’s challenges and opportunities for
improvement in a positive and constructive way.

All WMYL Members shall abide by the following guidelines when using social media:

1. Be positive and respectful, and always take the high road. When disagreeing with others’ opinions, remain appropriate and
polite. If you find yourself in a situation online that is becoming antagonistic, ask a WMYL Board Member or your Head of
Sport for advice on how to disengage from the dialogue in a polite and respectful manner that reflects well on WMYL.

2. Do not post content that would harm WMYL or damage WMYL’s reputation. Remember that even while you are on your
own personal time, you are a representative of WMYL, and people may interpret your online postings or social interactions as
though they were official WMYL statements.

3. Use good judgment when posting comments on any official WMYL sites. Bear in mind that your comments can create
liability for WMYL. If you are unsure whether a comment is appropriate to post, either do not post it or obtain prior approval
from the WMYL Board.

4. Be smart about what you publish. Once something is posted, it exists online forever. Ask yourself, “would I want to see this
published in the newspaper or posted on a billboard tomorrow or ten years from now?” If the answer is “no,” do not post.

5. Encourage others to engage in positive interactions on social media. If you are concerned about any WMYL Member’s use of
social media, please bring your concerns to the attention of Head of Sport or a member of the WMYL Board.
Violations of the Social Media Policy

The WMYL Board shall have the authority to monitor and enforce this Social Media Policy. The WMYL Board, and any
individual appointed by the Board of Directors, shall have the authority to remove any inappropriate or offensive comments
from official WMYL sites and to block any individual or organization from posting on any official WMYL social media
platform if they determine, in their sole discretion, that such removal or block is in the best interests of WMYL. The failure of
any WMYL Member to adhere to this Social Media Policy shall be considered a violation of appropriate and proper WMYL
conduct, and any WMYL Member who fails to adhere to this Social Media Policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to
and including termination of such individual’s and child’s involvement in WMYL activities.
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