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West Muskingum Youth League Parent and Player Agreement

Parent Role: Your role as a parent of a Player is that of support and positive reinforcement. Winning is an attitude. That positive attitude must be consistently put into the player's mind. We will do the best we can while we are with your child and we ask that you do the best you can the rest of the time. We as coaches realize we will make mistakes. There will be times you may not agree with something that we did or are trying to do. When you discuss this with your child, keep the tone positive. Your child must believe in what we are doing. Remember, winning is an attitude. Only coaches will be allowed in the dugout. Please address anything with your player before or after the game.

Player Role: The Players of our program shall support one other, respect coaches, and officials. Players agree to display good sportsmanship and team play at all times, follow the direction of the coaches, respect all coaches, players, officials, and spectators. Make every attempt to be on time and ready for all games and practices. Be fully committed to the program and give 110% effort during practices and games. Players shall not use abusive or profane language, taunt or humiliate any other player, question an official’s call or abuse, mistreat or mishandle any WMYL equipment or other property. Winning is an attitude. Player unsportsmanlike behavior may result in player being removed from the team remainder of the All Star season.

Parents and Player Role: Please leave coaching to the coaches.  Sideline coaching will not be tolerated.  If you have suggestion, please volunteer next year to join the coach staff.  Criticizing coaches, Officials opponents or other fans will not be tolerated.  Additionally, abusive behavior or language will not be tolerated.  This is a youth sport and everyone is learning.  Communication is a vital skill in life. Your child must learn to communicate for themselves. We would like to help facilitate this growth. We as a staff will not communicate with a parent about a player until we have first had a conversation with the player. If further discussion is necessary, we will be more than happy to talk to you. A discussion with your child's primary coach will precede a discussion with the head of sport. If anyone has a problem of any kind, abide by the following steps; (1) Player talks with Coach, (2) Parent talks with Coach, (3) Parent & player talks with Coach, (4) Parent talks with Head of Sport. While Positions are chosen by coaches for the overall safety of the player, based on skill level, players will be encouraged to set goals in order to play their desired positions. Please work with your child to help them obtain their goals.

If there is a problem, 99% of the time we can resolve it. Understand that Game days are not a good time for meetings as emotions are high. We suggest you use the 24 hour rule before addressing problems so we can enter the meeting with level heads. Parent unsportsmanlike behavior may result in the parent being unable to attend All Star games for the remainder of the season.

Commitment Notice: Parent and Player commitment to this program is defined by understanding the above mentioned policies. Once your child has been selected to be a part of the Team, then he or she is considered fully committed. Any youth league participant who plays on a team with a coach that is not approved by the WMYL board for the same sport during that same season, the participant(s) could be suspended from all youth league sports for one calendar year. Additionally, any player missing a game or leaving early from a game may result in player being removed from the team remainder of the All Star season. Reasonable exception include illness, injury, vacation, or pre-communicated reason with Head Coach. Contact the Head Coach ASAP if your child plans to miss any game or practice time. “No call, no shows” will not be tolerated, and may result in player being removed from the team remainder of the Regular or All Star season.

One Team, One Goal - Respect

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