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Pennsylvania District 1 Little League



1.     Little League Tournament rules will be followed as published in the Rule Book.

2.     The American Flag must be flown during All Star games.

3.    It is mandatory to salute the American Flag by playing the National Anthem or reciting the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the players reciting the Little League pledge.

4.     All Star rosters must be checked by the District Administrator before games can be played.

5.    It is the duty of the host team President to notify the traveling team’s President and the District Administrator by 4:00 p.m. if inclement weather conditions prevent the playing of a game.

6.    The District will supply the plate umpire.  When possible the District will also supply a base umpire.  Each league must be prepared to supply a base umpire when necessary.  Final games will have two umpires supplied by the District.  The host league will pay the plate umpire $40 ($50 for Junior and Senior League Baseball).  When a District base umpire is supplied, the traveling team will pay the base umpire $40 ($50 for Junior and Senior League Baseball).  When arriving at a site as the traveling team, find game manager and give him/her the funds for the base umpire.  Game manager will pay both umpires prior to the start of the game.

7.     District assessment must be paid by the District All Star meeting for teams to be eligible to participate in the District tournament.

8.    All Star games will start promptly at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise scheduled.  The host team will have the field for practice from 5:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.  The traveling team will have the field for practice from 5:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.  Final field dressing and introductions can then be made.  For tournaments that are hosted the top team on the bracket will be considered the 'host' team for the purpose of this rule.

9.     All players must wear the Little League patch on the left sleeve or breast pocket.

10.   Coaches should wear appropriate clothing, khaki shorts or slacks, polo shirt or team t-shirt.  Blue jeans or cut-offs and sleeveless shirts are not appropriate.

11.   All Star games must be supervised by the League President or Board Representative as game manager.

12.   Ground rules must be agreed upon by Officials before each game.

13.  Presidents, District Administrator, Managers, Coaches and Umpires should confer at home plate before All Star games and be recognized over the P.A. system.  Home team for each game will be determined by a coin toss with the team that travels making the call.

14.  Equipment must meet Little League standards.  Baseball games - Each team will furnish two baseballs. Softball games - host team will supply two softballs approved for tournament play.  For tournaments that are hosted the top team on the bracket will be considered the 'host' team for the purpose of this rule.

15.  The host league will supply a scorer’s table at the backstop for the score keeper from each team, the official pitch counter for baseball games and game announcer.

16.  The host league will supply a hot dog or equivalent and beverage to players, coaches and umpires after the game.  Concessions provide revenues to help host leagues cover the costs of putting on tournament games.  In order to support the host leagues it is not permissible for teams and fans to bring food and drinks to the game site with the exception of water and sport drinks for team personnel.

17.  The winning team Manager will text game results to the District Administrator at (814) 573-1319. If that is not possible phone the results to the same number or (814) 337-3244. If no answer leave message or email [email protected]. Report line score to Meadville Tribune Sports – 724-6370, ext 274.

18.  If inclement weather conditions exist and the double elimination schedule cannot be completed, the District Champions will be the winner of the winner’s bracket.  In a situation where the ‘if’ game can not be played, the championship will revert back to the winners bracket winner.

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