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NJRB Constitution and By-Laws



Revised 2/5/11


Article 1: Organizational Name

The name of this organization shall be the Newbury Joint Recreation Board (hereinafter referred to as the Organization)

Article 2: Purpose

The purpose of the Organization shall be to create, offer support, and maintain both athletic and continuing educational programs and activities for persons residing in the Township of Newbury.

Article 3: Membership

Membership of the Organization will be limited to residents of Newbury Township. There will be no more than thirteen (13) voting members and an unlimited number of non-voting members. Non-voting members will be comprised of Organization sponsored coaches, teachers and other appointed committee representatives and assistants.


Article 4: Government

The Organization will be governed internally by an executive committee consisting of a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer who are elected by voting members of the Organization during a scheduled standard meeting. Officers elected shall serve for a yearly term or until their successor shall have been duly elected and installed. In the event an officer is not able to complete his/her appointed term, the President may appoint a successor to complete the term. In the event the President is unable to complete the term, the Vice President will assume the position.

The Organization will consist of no more than thirteen (13) voting members. The Newbury Board of Education will sponsor six (6) members and the Newbury Township Trustees will - sponsor six (6) members. The Newbury Board of Education and the Newbury Township Trustees will jointly sponsor a single member. Terms of voting members expire after three (3) years. Voting members call is re-appointed by the Newbury Board of Education or the Newbury Township Trustees.

The Organization will be governed externally by a joint committee comprised of both the Newbury Board of Education and the Newbury Township Trustees.

The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these polices and any specific rules the organization may adopt.

No member shall hold more than one officer position.

In the event of a vacancy in any office, the office will be appointed by the president.

Article 5: Executive Committee

The executive committee shall consist of the organization's officers (president, vice president, secretary and treasurer). The committee will exercise general supervision of the organization and will meet at the call of the president. A majority of the committee shall constitute a quorum. The committee may take up matters and offer to the overall voting members of the organization changes, additions or other modifications to these by­ laws, athletic, continuing educational programs or any other activity so sponsored by the Organization.


Article 6: Meetings

Election of officers and their assumption of duties will be in accordance with the Organization's by-laws. A quorum is necessary to conduct such elections.

Organizational meetings will be monthly during a predetermined date and time agreed upon by the Organization's voting members per the Organization's by-laws. A quorum of voting members is necessary to conduct official Organization business.

The Executive committee or any elected officer of the Organization can call special meetings. A quorum of voting members is required to conduct official Newbury Joint Recreation business; additionally, special meetings may be called by a majority of the members of the board.

Committee meetings can be called at any time by the director of that committee. A quorum of voting members need not be necessary to conduct business.

Voting members shall not have more than two (2) unexcused absences of meetings during a calendar year to maintain voting status. In addition, voting members must assist with setup, cleanup or support during one Organization fund raiser (fund raisers are established by the President and Fund-Raising director of the organization per year). If a voting member fails to maintain the attendance requirement and/or fails to support one fund raisers without permission of the President of the Organization, the member will be removed, and their seat will be filled during a special meeting called by the President of the Organization.

Article 7: Finance

The fiscal year of this organization shall be as stated in the Organization By-Laws.

A Financial Statement shall be prepared by the treasurer at the conclusion of the financial year, per the Organization By-Laws

All funds shall be deposited in a proper banking institution in the name of the Organization and shall be disbursed in accordance with the approved budget.

All funds raised via fund raisers, registration fees, sponsorships or any other means, by

any sponsored Organization program, must be deposited with the treasurer of the Organization.

The president or secretary may sign checks.

Directors and commissioners of individual programs are granted ten percent (10%) of their overall budget as discretionary spending.


Article 8: Amendments

This Constitution and By-laws may be amended at any business meeting of the Organization by a majority of those present and voting, provided notice of such proposed

Amendment has been given. A quorum of voting members must be present to amend the Constitution or By-laws.



Article 1: Duties of Officers

President: The president shall:

  • Preside over all meetings
  • Prepare the meeting agenda
  • Be the chairperson of the executive committee and an official member of all committees
  • Maintain compliance with the Organization's Constitution and By-laws
  • Act as the representative of the organization to outside persons and other organizations as well as all official functions
  • Be an authorized signer on all bank accounts
  • Perform such other duties as directed by the executive committee. Prepare in the absence of a Public Relations Volunteer all community news articles.
  • With the approval of the voting members, shall establish objectives & guidelines for all committees

Vice President: The Vice President shall:

  • Shall discharge the duties of the president in the president's absence and act as parliamentarian
  • Perform such other duties as assigned by the president

Secretary: The Secretary shall

  • Distribute meeting minutes, copies of meeting agendas and financial statements to the Newbury School Board and to the Newbury Township Trustees
  • Notate meeting minutes during all official Organizational meetings
  • Send correspondence when necessary
  • Maintain changes and amendments to the Constitution and By-laws. Maintain all records on behalf of the organization

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall:

  • Prepare an operating financial statement for the organization and insure that funds are executed in accordance with it.
  • Collect, manage, and disburse all funds of the organization. All vouchers for expenditures of funds shall be issued by the Treasurer
  • Prepare monthly financial reports to be distributed during each stated Organizational meeting
  • Assist in the collection and reporting of all funds obtained through fund raising activities.  
  • Assist the Purchasing Agent with all acquisitions.
  • Obtain and reconcile budgets from all committees


Article 2: Standing Committees

The Organization will have the following standing committees:

1.      Youth Athletic & Continuing Education

2.      Adult Athletic & Continuing Education

3.      Fund Raising

4.      Building and Grounds

The Director position of each standing committee will be voted upon by the voting members of the organization. The term for each Director will be for one (1) year. A Director may be re-elected. A Director must be a voting member of the Organization.

Youth Athletics:

Youth Athletics will be comprised of but not limited to youth baseball, softball, basketball, soccer, golf, volleyball, football and wrestling. Programs may be discontinued or added based upon interest and overall registration. Youth Athletics will be under the direction of the Director of Youth Athletics & Continuing Education. The Director of Youth Athletics will act as liaison between the commissioner of each sub-committee and the Organization.

Adult Athletics:

Adult Athletics will be comprised of but not limited to adult softball (men's and women's), hall walking, and adult basketball. Programs may be discontinued or added based upon interest and overall registration. Adult Athletics will be under the direction of the Director of Adult Athletics & Continuing Education. The Director of Adult Athletics will act as liaison between the commissioner of each sub-committee and the Organization.

Fund Raising:

The Director of Fund Raising works in conjunction with the organization to develop the fundraisers required to meet expenses. Fundraisers will be reviewed by the Organization to evaluate their effectiveness.

All income derived from any fundraiser sponsored by the Organization or any committee affiliated with the organization will be deposited directly with the Treasurer of the Organization.


Building & Grounds:

The Director of Building & Grounds will be responsible for any maintenance required to existing facilities. The Director will also recommend to the organization any new purchases required to expand existing facilities or to improve upon existing facilities.

The Director of Building & Grounds also has the authority to establish work days.


Article 3: Commissioners

Commissioners are recommended by the Director of their individual program and are voted upon by the voting members of the organization. The term for a commissioner is limited to one (1) year. Commissioners can be re-elected.

Commissioners do not have to be voting members of the Organization. Commissioners report directly to the Director of their program.

Commissioners must attend the regularly scheduled organizational meeting directly prior to the start of their program, a regularly scheduled meeting during the middle of their program and the regularly scheduled meeting directly after their program ends.

Commissioners must submit to the Organization a written program summary including a financial report within thirty (30) days of the com1Jletion of the season.

Article 4: Quorum

More than half of the voting members are required to constitute a quorum for the conduct of official Organization business.


Article 5: Frequency of Meetings

One meeting per month will be held at a designated time, date and place. A December meeting is at the discretion of the President of the organization.

Article 6: Governing Dates

Election of Officers will take place during the November meeting. Election of Directors will take place during the November meeting.

Election of Commissioners will take place upon recommendation of the Director. Officers and Directors will assume their duties as of January I of the New Year.

The Organization's fiscal year ends March 31.

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