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Grand Chute Baseball

Grand Chute Major League Baseball Rules (2024)


Grand Chute Baseball will play by Babe Ruth rules except for the following changes:


Player Eligibility: Players must be 11 or 12 years old as of April 30th. Summer birthdays turning 11 may move up or stay in current league. 


Pitcher Inning Limits:  Pitchers will be limited to a maximum of 2 innings per game and 4 innings per week.


Number of Players:  Each team fields 9 players (3 outfielders). If a team knows it will have less than 9 players at the start of a game, it can pull a player up from the Minor league.  Pulled up players need to play the outfield and bat last in the order.  Teams may not play with less than 8 players.


Playing Time/Late Player:  Player development is another area of importance to the Grand Chute Baseball league.  Each team is managed to a maximum of 12 players so children will need to sit out limited innings per game.  Each child must not sit more than 2 innings per 6 inning game.  If there is a tie and the game goes to extra innings, each child must not sit more than 3 innings.


Base Paths and Pitching Mound: 65-foot base paths and the pitching mound will be 50 feet from home plate.


Hitting Order and Substitution:  Teams must bat their entire roster.  Children arriving late to the game will be inserted as the last batter no matter when the player arrives for the game.  There is free substitution in the field. Players may return to any position on the field once taken out except for the pitcher who may not return to the mound under any circumstance.


Game Time: Regulation games are six innings and targeted for 1 hour and 30 minutes. For 5:30 games, no new inning can start after 1 hour and 20 minutes. For 7:15 games, no new inning will start after 1 hour and 45 minutes.  Coaches are encouraged to keep games moving swiftly to complete as many innings as possible. Intentional stalling is not allowed.  A courtesy runner is required if the catcher is on base with 2 outs.  The courtesy runner should be the last out of that inning.  A courtesy runner will be allowed but not required for the pitcher with two outs. If game is tied after the last timed inning is complete, then California Rules will apply.


California Rules:  Visiting team will start with the last batter from the previous inning on 2nd base with 1 out and finish the top half of the inning.  Home team will start with last batter from previous inning on 2nd base with 1 out and finish bottom half of the inning.  If game is still tied repeat above process until game is decided, there are no ties unless the time limit has expired (5:30 game only).    


Run Rules:  Games will be stopped when a team is winning by at least 15 runs after three innings and 10 runs after 4 innings.


On Deck Batters: On deck batters must be in the designated on-deck circle.


Leading Off and Stealing Bases: Runners may take a 2-step lead-off, but cannot steal until the ball has left the pitchers hand. Team will get 1 warning and then an automatic out will be issued.  Stealing of 2nd or 3rd base is allowed once the pitch has left the pitchers hand.  Delayed steals of 2nd and 3rd base are allowed. There will be no called balks, umps and coaches will treat these as learning moments.


Stealing Home: Base runners may NOT steal home on a pitch. One base will be allowed on a passed ball/wild pitch on all bases other than 3rd. If after advancing one base on a passed ball/wild pitch and another play is attempted to be made (ex: trying to throw a runner out), the runner can advance again. A runner that “starts” at third may only score on a batted ball, bases loaded walk or a throw to any base. The runner cannot steal home on a throwback to the pitcher.

Stealing Second After a Walk:  This is not allowed. After a walk, the batter advancing to first is not allowed to advance to second until another pitch is thrown. 

Base Running and Sliding:
  Runners must avoid contact.  Sliding is encouraged on all bases when played upon to ensure child safety.  It will be up to the umpire’s discretion to call the runner out.  No head first slides, runners will be automatically be called out unless going back to a base.  If there is a runner on third and a batter walks, the runner will not be allowed to advance to second until the next pitch is thrown. 


Blocking Plate and Collisions:  Runners must have access to home plate to slide.  Blocking the plate by the catcher and collisions initiated by the runner are not allowed.  It will be up to the umpire’s discretion to call the runner safe (blocked plate) or out (collision). 


Infield Fly Rule: There is no infield fly rule.


Bunting: Bunting is allowed.  Fake bunts are allowed.  Swinging bunts are not allowed.


Throwing bats: Batters may not throw a bat. First time will be a warning. Second time will result in an out. 


Coaching Position: Coaches or assistant coaches should stay in the dugout or field. No coaches are allowed behind the backstop during their games.


Coach and Fan Behavior:  Sportsmanship is a primary value of Grand Chute Baseball. The head coach is responsible for the conduct of himself, assistant coaches, players and fans.  The umpires will not tolerate any arguing on the field.  Only the head coach can discuss a call made by an umpire. Umpires have the discretion of ejecting coaches, players and fans from the game without any warning.  Misconduct will require action by the league.  First offense will result in probation or 1-3 game suspension.  Second and/or third offenses will result in multiple game suspensions up to the remainder of the season.


Home and Visiting Teams:  Last team named on the schedule is the home team, has the third base dugout and is responsible for raking the diamond and putting the home plate tarp on top of home plate if you are the last game of the evening.  Visiting team will have first base dugout and responsible for putting out bases if needed and making sure they are in the furthest pegs.  The home team on Field 1 for the 7:30 game will be responsible to turn off the lights and lock up the equipment shed. 

Music: Park rules prohibit the playing of music. No warmup or walkup music is allowed.


Lightning Delays and Rain-Outs:  Observing lightning will result in an automatic delay of the game for 30 minutes.  Rain-out of a game will be determined by the two coaches and umpires. A rain-out should be called to ensure the safety of the players and protect the fields.  A complete game is after 4 innings are completed or if the home team is winning after 3 ½ innings.  Rain-out games will not be rescheduled. 


Reporting Game Results: The winning team is responsible for reporting the results of the game promptly to the league commissioner.  The report will include teams competing and final score.


League Standings:  Regular season league standings will be used to determine position for the tournament.  League standings will be determined by (1) winning percentage, (2) average runs allowed and (3) average run differential.  All rules apply to the league tournament.