
Dear Santa Fe Little League Supporter,

We are Santa Fe Little League and we are seeking sponsorships for our teams and operating costs for the Spring/Summer 2025 season. Santa Fe Little league is dependent on business sponsorships to help fund the league and keep registration costs for Santa Fe families to a minimum for the upcoming season. Santa Fe Little league is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization and all donations and sponsorships are tax deductible. Our organization gives our athletes a safe and positive environment to develop many useful traits for their future.  Santa Fe Little League is a program of service to youth.  We are dedicated to empowering our youth by teaching the value of teamwork, the development of leadership skills, and the commitment to fair play. We are dedicated to the growth of our community by coming together as a united community to provide the best experience for all players, families, and citizens.

Your donation will enable our organization to afford not only new baseball, softball equipment and uniforms for the following years, but also allow us to keep our registration fees at a reasonable rate. Your donation will go a very long way in maintaining our drive to empower our community’s children.

With your donation to Santa Fe Little League, the league will ensure you and your business is recognized as a supporter of Santa Fe Youth. In addition to being recognized your business, company, or individual name will be displayed on our website for the year.  Included in this sponsorship agreement, your business name and/or website link will be displayed on our website, and will be recognized verbally throughout the season.   

Our Tax Exempt-501(c)(3) number is 51-0256099

Thank you for your support!


John Paul Trujillo
2025 SFLL, President


Local Sponsors