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Lee County Little League (TX)

Lee County Little League (TX)

About Lee County Little League

Lee County Little League's Mission

The mission of Lee County Little League is to promote, develop, supervise, and voluntarily assist in all lawful ways, the interest of those who will participate in Little League Baseball and Softball. Through proper guidance and exemplary leadership, Lee County Little League assists children in developing the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well-being. By espousing the virtues of character, courage and loyalty, the Lee County Little League Baseball and Softball program is designed to develop superior citizens rather than superior athletes. The Lee County Little League Board of Directors endeavors to implement an effective Leadership and Administrative structure, which encourages children to come together in the spirit of teamwork: to learn, compete and to have a lifetime of positive memories. Lee County Little League honors and abides by the following Value system for all its Players and Member Parents:
• Honesty 
• Positive Sportsmanship 
• Respect
• Character 
• Loyalty

Field Directory


Veterans Park

191 Raymond St. Giddings Texas United States 78942

(Last updated 06/29/21 at 10:15 AM )

View Directions

Tee Ball / Coach Pitch Field

for today only (last updated 24/42/02 at 09:42 AM)

(Last updated 01/02/24 at 08:42 AM )

Softball Field

(Last updated 06/24/22 at 12:42 PM )

Minor / Major Baseball Field

for today only (last updated 24/41/02 at 09:41 AM)

(Last updated 01/02/24 at 08:41 AM )

Junior Baseball Field

(Last updated 06/29/21 at 10:15 AM )

Pee Wee / Minor Baseball Field

for today only (last updated 24/41/02 at 09:41 AM)

(Last updated 01/02/24 at 08:41 AM )

Concrete Batting Cages

(Last updated 06/29/21 at 10:15 AM )

Simmang Park

801-899 W Washington St Giddings Texas United States 78942

(Last updated 06/29/21 at 10:15 AM )

View Directions

Tee Ball/ Coach Pitch Field

(Last updated 06/29/21 at 10:15 AM )

Board Members

We would like to announce the 2022-2023 Board of Directors! 

Thank you to all the returning and new board members, for stepping up and volunteering your time to help provide a fun, safe league for our County!

Tiffany Albrecht
Chrissy Fridenberg
Vice President & Softball Coaching Coordinator (VP)
Scott Siegmund
Baseball Coaching Coordinator (VP)

Lacy Lara
Tball / Coach Pitch Coaching Coordinator (VP)
Shaunna Keilberg
Dana Collins 
Jeremy Brooks
UIC / Safety Officer
Ashley Bradshaw
Player Agent
Johnathan Noack
Concession Stand Manager
Crystal Scott
Sponsorship & Fundraising Coordinator
Katy Barrager
Equipment Manager
Dustin Ford 
Field Manager
Justin Wallace 
Board Member
Kimberly Weiser
Board Member
Marcus Barrager 
Board Member
Patricia Thamez 
Board Member
Sara Medack
Board Member



Please note that the following rules apply during  ANY Little League affiliated activities. 

Some of the points listed below are also ordinances enforced by the City of Giddings. 
If a patron is observed violating any of the statements below and/or ordinances stated by the City of Giddings, they will be asked to follow set ordinances or you will be asked to leave. 

-Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco products are prohibited inside parks managed by the City of Giddings. 
-Openly carrying a firearm inside a park managed by the City of Giddings is permitted
-------HOWEVER, openly carrying during ANY Little   League affiliated activity is prohibited. 
- Pets are allowed inside a park managed by the City of Giddings but they MUST be on a leash and owners must pick up after their pets. 
- Pets ARE PROHIBITED from entering the fields or any playing area inside the park. 

Parent Code of Conduct

  • Remember that children participate to have fun
  • Be a positive role model for all of the children and encourage sportsmanship
  • Teach a player to play by the rules and resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence
  • Demand that your child treats coaches, officials, and other players with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex, or ability
  • Teach your child that doing one’s best is more important than winning
  • Praise your child for competing fairly and trying hard
  • Promote the emotional and physical well being of athletes ahead of your own personal desire to win
  • Respect the officials and their authority during games
Parents are asked to avoid:
  • Forcing your child to participate
  • Engaging in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent
  • Boo, taunt, refuse to shake hands, or use profane language
  • Encouraging any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and well being of athletes
  • Ridiculing or yelling at a child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a game
  • Using drugs, tobacco, or alcohol at any league event
  • Coaching your child or other players during games and practices, unless you are a coach.


Lee County Little League (TX)
P.O. Box 427 
Giddings, Texas 78942

Phone: 979-212-1914
Email: [email protected]

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