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Lee County Little League (TX)

Lee County Little League (TX)

All-Star Tournament Dates and Locations

2025 All Stars Tournament Dates & Locations


Coach Pitch 8U BB- TBD

·        Coach Pitch 8U SB: TBD 

·         9U BB- TBD

Start date: approx May 30, 2025



  • Minor SB: TBD

  • Major SB: TBD

  • Junior SB: TBD


BASEBALL BEGINS: Approx June 15th

·         Minors BB- TBD

·         11 YR OLD BASEBALL- TBD

·         Major BB: TBD

·         50/70: TBD

·         Junior BB- TBD

Available Divisions

  • Division age represents LEAGUE age (actual age may differ), based on the 2024 LL Age Chart

    • TBALL/CP: 4-6 (typically PreK - Kinder)

    • PW: 7-8 (typically 1st & 2nd Grade) (actual age 6-year-olds must have two seasons of Tball, whether it be 2 Spring seasons or 1 Spring and 1 Fall AND attend a skills assessment, to be considered for the PW division)

    • Minor: 9-10 (typically 3rd & 4th Grade) (actual age 8-year-olds must have two seasons of PW, whether it be 2 Spring seasons or 1 Spring and 1 Fall AND attend a skills assessment, to be considered for the Minor division)

    • Majors: 11-12 (typically 5th & 6th Grade) (actual age 10-year-olds must have 2 seasons of Minors, whether it be 2 Spring seasons or 1 Spring and 1 Fall AND attend a skills assessment, to be considered for the Major division)

    • Intermediate (50/70): 11-13 (typically 5th, 6th, & 7th Grade)

    • Juniors: 13-14 (typically 7th & 8th Grade) (12-14 depending on skills assessment and registration numbers and actual age 12-year-olds must have two seasons in Majors or a combination of Majors and Intermediate)

    • Seniors: 14-16 This division is for the All-Star season ONLY- they do not play during the regular season. Registration for this division closes at the end of May.

-Teams are not final until numbers have been assessed and after the skills assessment and draft has been completed. 
-The Player Agent approves all divisions and teams. 
-If a player requests to move up to a division or requests to be moved down, it will be reviewed by the Player Agent and Division VP and then is subject to board approval. 

Additional Information

Required Documentation:
*** If your player does not reside or go to school in Lee County but you wish to be a part of our league, your player must be approved by LL International to do so.
Please contact us today to start the process. 

-Copy of player’s birth certificate, School Enrollment form OR 3 proofs of residency, and medical release form is required to participate. If you are unsure if you need to turn in any of the following items above, please contact us today. The coaches will also have a spreadsheet at the first practice, stating what paperwork we have and what is needed.

-School Enrollment forms, Medical Release forms, and Volunteer forms can all be found on our website!

-The league will provide socks, a jersey and hat.

Check out our website for information regarding registration, forms, divisions, season dates, and much more!
(Please make sure that ALL of your contact information on Blue Sombrero is up to date!)

To register, please sign into your account or create an account if you are new to Lee County Little League and click the “Register Now” button at the top of your screen. When registering, you may see two different divisions available for your player. Please select the appropriate division for your player based on their age and past division requirements. If you do not see your program available for your player or if you are having difficulties registering, please contact us today!

We are always looking for positive leaders for our kids and if you are willing to manage or help coach a team, head over to our volunteer page for more information!

Thank you!



Lee County Little League (TX)
P.O. Box 427 
Giddings, Texas 78942

Phone: 979-212-1914
Email: [email protected]

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