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Victorville Youth Soccer League

Frequently Asked Questions

***Registration prices do not include CalSouth Membership Fees and processing fees.  Customer is responsible for paying all fees when completing the registration process.  Please note that Victorville Youth Soccer League is unable to refund any and all CalSouth Membership Fees and or processing fees.


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Refund Policy

NO REFUNDS: Player registration fees will not be refunded once the player application has been accepted by the league registrar.  Exceptions may be made only in the event that proof can be provided that the player and family moved out of reasonable travel distance from the Victor Valley area before the beginning of seasonal play or the player becomes injured or otherwise medically unable to participate in practices and games with a doctor’s note indicating the reason and duration of activity restriction.  In either exception, the player must return any outstanding property of VYSL including but not limited to uniform, fundraiser items and/or fundraiser monies.

RETURNED PAYMENTS Any check, bankcard (debit or credit) charge and/or chargeback dispute, or other instrument of electronic transfer transaction use to pay Victorville Youth Soccer League that is dishonored, refused or returned for any reason is subject to a return payment fee of up to $35.00.  VYSL reserves the right to hold items including but not limited to uniforms, picture packages, league trophies and CalSouth player cards for unpaid registration fees, returned payments and/or return payment fees from current or prior seasons until paid in full.


Victorville Youth Soccer League

Victorville, California 92393

Email: [email protected]

Contact Us

Victorville Youth Soccer League

Victorville, California 92393

Email: [email protected]

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