Coaches Corner is intended to be a tool for coaches to coordinate their teams, provide a useful resource for developing practice schedules and providing feedback to the Vestal Girls Softball (VGS) Board Of Directors (BOD) for in / out of season changes. The goal of VGS is to develop our athletes while teaching sound pillars of sportsmanship. The coaches are the faces of Vestal Girls Softball to all the players and their families which is why it is critical to ensure you are all well positioned to be successful. Finally the VGS BOD understands coaching is a lot of work, particularly considering most individuals support on top of full time jobs / lifestyles, but coaching should be a fruitful experience for the coaches thus it is critical for a real time feedback. As such this year the VGS BOD's has been restructured to appoint a Vice President (VP) for each division. The VP's are in place to support overall league coordination to ensure the overall mission of the league is met. We appreciate everyone's support and value your inputs.