1. Moving the ball.
Offensive Plays Must All Be Passes! (No Kicking/Punting)
Field is marked at 15 yard intervals with cones. (3 first downs without a penalty would result in a touchdown)
Possession always begins at the 45 yard line.
No penalty will be assessed in excess of the 45 yd line. On an unsuccessful or successful offensive play from the 45 yard line resulting in an offensive penalty: The ball will be returned to the 45 yard line and 1st down will become 2nd down; 2nd down will become 3rd down; and 3rd down will result in a turnover.
Offenses always move in the same direction
All passes must be forward. A pass caught behind the line of scrimmage must be a forward pass.
Once a forward pass has been thrown, a backward pass (lateral) is allowed.
Should a swing pass not cross the LOS and before the 4 second count has expired, a defensive player pulls the flag of the ball carrier behind the 45 yard line, it is a safety.
2. Special Rules
No blocking.
Receiver/Ball carrier is legally down when flag is pulled by a defender. The ball is marked at the spot the flag was pulled (not where the football was when flag pulled).
Fumbles are dead balls at the spot with the last team retaining possession. A muffed snap is not a fumble/dead ball. Only the quarterback can recover the muffed snap. The 4.0 second count remains in affect on snaps.
The QB is allowed 4.0 seconds to throw the ball.
The Official starts a stopwatch on the snap of the ball from center and stops the watch as soon as the QB releases the ball.
If release is under 4.0 seconds, the play goes on.
If the timekeeper sees that the clock has exceeded 4.0 seconds, he waits until the play is over (the play is not blown dead), then brings the ball back to the original line of scrimmage with loss of down. (The timekeeper will be an official or coach from a team that is not playing)
The only infractions possible when a 4 second count is called are unsportsmanlike acts.
Defensive Pass Interference will be a spot foul (1st down at the spot).
Responsibility to avoid contact is with the defense. There will be NO chucking. Deliberate bumping or grabbing. These actions will result in a "tack on" penalty at the end of the play (5 yard penalty)
Offensive pass interference a 15 yard penalty from the previous line of scimmage
Interceptions may be returned ("no blocking" rule applies). If an interception is returned beyond the 45 yard line (the offensive origination point) it is a touchdown and point after attempt should ensue. The teammates of the person who intercepted the ball may trail the runner so as to be in position to take a backwards pass. They may not block for or screen for the runner.
Offensive team is responsible for retrieving and returning the ball to the previous spot or the new scrimmage spot in a timely fashion. Failure to do so can result in a delay of game penalty.
The offensive center is an eligible receiver (teams must have a center). The ball must be snapped from the ground between the snapper's legs. (mirror the game of football)
The center will be responsible for setting or re-positioning the Referee's bean bag at the line of scrimmage. On change of possession, the team moving to offense will ensure the bean bag gets to the new scrimmage line. (centers on both teams responsible).
No taunting or "trash talking". (5 yard penalty & expulsion if flagrant).
The offense must gain at least 15 yards in the first 3 or less plays or the defense takes over. (There is no kicking). Four down territory occurs only after offense proceeds to or inside the 15 yard line cone (third quadrant).
Fighting: the player(s) involved will be ejected from the game and tournament. If a team fight occurs, the teams involved will be ejected from the tournament and denied participation in any/all state qualifying tournaments! They will also be disqualified from participating in the state tournament.
Any dead ball foul on a play that results in the defense getting the ball and it is unable to be penalized back to the 45yard line will result in a loss of down penalty. The defense, now the offense, would be starting play with 2nd down.
There will be an area referred to as the tackle box that extends 3 yards on both sides of the center and extending 3 yards deep into the backfield. The only eligible receiver who may align within the tackle box is the center.
3. Scoring:
6 points for TD
1 point for PAT from 3 yard line, 2 point PAT from 10 yard line.
2 points if a team returns a PAT back across the 45.
2 points for a safety
Official score is kept by field official.
4. Tie Breaker:
After coin flip to determine first possession, teams will alternate 4 down series from the 15 yard line.
A winner is determined when one team scores during its possession and the other does not.
If a second overtime period is necessary, each team must then go for two points on the conversion attempts.
5. Time:
Four 5 minute quarters (continuous clock for each quarter).
No time outs. (Exception: Injuries. Both games on the Field will halt until player(s) can be removed as soon as safety dictates).
10 minute half-time