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Ceredo-Kenova Little League

Ceredo-Kenova Little League

Ways to Volunteer

C-K Little League is a success through volunteers! We depend upon countless volunteers for everything including managing and coaching teams, concession stand, umpiring, field maintenance, fundraising, and more. You can volunteer to help by contacting one of our board members or staff.

Each volunteer must complete a two step process before being appointed to a volunteer role. This two step process is to verify the identity and perform a background check to ensure the safety of all members of the Ceredo-Kenova Little League. 

  • Step 1 - Login or Register then sign up to Volunteer

  • Step 2 - Background Check

  • You will receive an email with a link to begin your background check. 
    (This step must be completed within 14 days of receipt of the email or the link will expire)

Managers & Coaches

Each team needs a manager and several coaches. We have openings to manage our League teams. Beyond the direct responsibilities of working with their team, each manager and coach will maintain contact with the parents of their players and represent the Little League program in recruiting assistance for the various functions within the League, such as fields and grounds, umpires, contact parents, etc. Managing and coaching can be a fun and rewarding experience. If you are interested please select a volunteer role during the registration process.

Fields and Grounds

The condition of the playing fields should be of utmost concern to all parents. Our goal is to have fields that are safe, attractive and well kept. We need volunteers for both preseason and regular maintenance. In addition to normal field and ground maintenance work, we are looking for volunteers with specialties such as electricians, carpenters and painters. If you are interested please contact our Vice President of Grounds & Facilities, Pat Maloney.


To insure a great season well-trained and interested umpires are as essential as the players themselves! Volunteers are needed for all games during the year for our AAA and Major League Divisions. If you are interested please contact our League Umpire Coordinator.

Team Parents

A parent or parents from each team help the Manager as needed and will serve as a Team Assistant. These parents are the communication link in the League. Information concerning the games, practices, team fundraising, uniforms and pictures are passed through these parents. If you are interested please login or register to submit to a background check. Once completed you will need to discuss your desire to act as Team Assistant with your child's team Manager or coach.

Concession Stand

The Little League is responsible for the operation of multiple concession stands during our regular season and post season tournament play. The Concession Manager will work to ensure smooth operation of the league's various concession stands across multiple fields and divisions of play. They are also responsible for the ordering of all food and drink as well as all supplies. The Concession Manager is one of the most time consuming and difficult positions in the Ceredo-Kenova Little League. All parents in the league are required to serve on concession duty at least once during the season. The Concession Manager will work with the Team Assistants to insure the concession schedules are adhered to and that each team is fulfilling their concession time coverage. Parents are required to work the concession stand during each game. This is a requirement!

Helping at Registration

Volunteers may be needed to make and distribute posters and flyers advertising the beginning of registration. You can pass these out to local schools and youth organizations or distribute them throughout neighborhoods. Announcements can be placed in local newspapers and on local radio stations. They should have the time, date and location of local registration, and parents should be informed of any specific documents that will be needed.

Volunteers are also needed at the time of registration. You will be responsible for organizing lines, handing out forms, answering questions, making sure that forms are filled out completely and correctly, and collecting participation fees. Please contact our Player Agent if you are interested in helping during registration.

Contact Us

Ceredo-Kenova Little League

PO Box 283 
Ceredo, West Virginia 25507

Email Us: [email protected]
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