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Oquirrh Mountain Girls Softball

Oquirrh Mountain Girls Softball

OMGS General Rules

2024 coaches handbook.pdf

2024 coach team selection rules.pdf

NFHS Softball Rules.pdf

  • Coaches must have their player listed as a coach pick in order to be selected as a coach. 
  • "Playing up" is on a case-by-case basis, reviewed by the board, however these conditions must be met in order to be allowed to play up.  The player must be in their last year of an age group (Ex. second year of 10U asking to play in 12U) and must have played All-Stars in that age group, a parent must volunteer to be a coach, and the player must be listed as a coach pick.  Also, being allowed to play up means that that player must try out for the age group they are placed in for all-stars, they may not play back down.  The player may be granted to play up to one age group but will then have to request to play up again the next season and continue to meet the conditions to play up.  
  • Coaches are required to read the NFHS Softball rulebook, which is linked above, and read and understand the general OMGS rules and special OMGS rules for their particular age group.
  • The NFHS Softball rulebook will govern OMGS games.
  • Only OMGS rules will take precedence over NFHS Softball rules.


  1. Umpires will check that all coaches on the fields are compliant with OMGS requirements. 

  2. Game time is forfeit time.

  3. There will be ten defensive players.

  4. No player can sit out for two (2) consecutive innings.  

  5. There is open substitution.

  6. Teams bat all team members present. 

  7. Regular season games can end in a tie.

  8. If there is less than 5 min. left in a game, no new inning may be started.

  9. There must be eight girls present to begin the game (with the exception of T-Ball/6U).  If a team plays the game with eight players, an automatic out will be taken for the ninth batter only and not for the missing tenth batter.  If a team plays the game with nine players, there is no automatic out.

  10. If a player gets injured or sick during a game and is taken out and cannot bat, coaches must inform the umpire.  If the team still has nine players without her, then no penalty will be given for her missed at-bats, however, she will not be allowed to rejoin the game.  The team must have eight players to finish the game without her or will be required to forfeit.

  11. Players may be added to the end of the line up if they arrive after the game has started, but it must be reported to the official Scorekeeper and Umpire or will be considered batting out of order.

  12. Players put on the line up must arrive prior to their turn at bat or an out will be taken for that batter each time her name comes up on the official scorebook to bat, until she arrives.

  13. The offensive and defensive teams will trade positions upon three outs by the defensive team or seven runs (12U, 14U, 18U), and five runs (8U & 10U) by the offensive team.

  14. Line-ups must be entered into the Game Changer app at least 10 minutes prior to the game start time, even if the previous game is running late.

  15. Coaches must meet the umpire at the plate five minutes prior to game time, or as soon as the previous game is over in the case that games are running late.

  16. A player must play in at least 75% of her games to be eligible for All-Stars.  T-Ball/6U league players are not eligible to play All-Stars.

  17. OMGS has a ZERO tolerance policy for abusive behavior. A coach, player or spectator will not direct a derogatory or abusive remark (including foul language) to another coach, player, spectator or umpire.  Actions of this kind will cause the suspension of a coach or player, the ejection of a spectator from the park and/or forfeiture of game if necessary. The ejection will last for the entirety of the day upon which the ejection occurs. If the offense is deemed serious enough, the board maintains the right to consider and vote on additional corrective action.  A coach that is ejected from a game will be required to miss the next game if not played on the same day. 

  18. Positive chants and cheers are encouraged and acceptable.  It is not, however, acceptable to chant derogatory chants at the opposing team and especially the pitcher.

  19. The home team will be the first team listed on the schedule, take the dugout on the third base line, and bat last.  They are also responsible for maintaining the official score in Game Changer. 


  21. If a player misses three or more consecutive required practices without good reason, the coach will be allowed to bench the player for one full game with the Board’s approval.  If she continues to miss practices, this should also be brought to the Board’s attention.

  22. No team will be permitted to warm up in the infield prior to the game.  Teams may warm up in foul territory only.

  23. Leading off is allowed after the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand.

  24. Intentional walking IS NOT allowed in OMGS recreational softball. 

  25. Metal cleats are allowed only for the 14U and 18U age groups, for both OMGS league and All-Star tournaments.  Girls wearing metal cleats in other age groups will be warned by the umpire and only allowed to return to the game after replacing the metal cleats with rubber cleats or other closed-toe footwear.



  1. Girls allowed to play in this age group must be three (3) years old through five (5) years old prior to January 1 of current year.
  2. The eleven-inch safety softball will be used. Game length will be 60 minutes or three innings.
  3. Bases will be at 55 feet.
  4. Games will start at game time regardless of how many girls are there for each team. No score will be kept.
  5. The offensive and defensive teams will trade positions after the offensive team’s entire lineup has batted. Players may advance one base on a ball hit, the last batter and base runners will run until all have crossed home plate.
  6. All players will play defense each inning. For safety reasons, all players MUST start positioned behind the 35-foot arch line until after the batter has hit the ball.
  7. A coach will pitch up to five (5) balls to each batter. If the batter does not hit the ball, then the coach will place the ball on the tee and will be allowed three (3) swings off the tee. There are no walks allowed.
  8. Only three (3) coaches will be allowed on the field.


  1. A girl cannot play down an age classification. Girls allowed in this age group must be eight (8) years old or younger prior to January 1 of the current year.
  2. The eleven-inch ball will be used. Game length will be 60 minutes. NO NEW INNING AFTER 55 MINUTES.
  3. The pitchers plate will be at 35 feet, bases will be at 60 feet.
  4. The offensive and defensive teams will trade positions upon three outs by the defensive team or five runs by the offensive team.
  5. All players will play defense each inning. Six players will be in the infield, placed in standard infield positions, the remaining players will play outfield (grass). The infield is defined as the area on the diamond inside the baselines. For safety reasons, all players MUST start positioned behind the 35-foot arch line until after the batter has hit the ball. The outfield arch for defensive player placement purposes will be on the grass part of the diamond. Umpires judgment will be used regarding whether the ball is in the infield or outfield for base running and time out situations.
  6. One defensive coach will be allowed on the field (in the outfield-on the grass) for instructional purposes only. Defensive coaches are encouraged to stay off the field during the second half of the season or if they are asked to at any time by the Board. If the coach intentionally touches the ball while it is in play, or causes a defensive player to move by physical contact, the batter-runner will be awarded the base she is running to plus one additional base. If this happens again, the coach must leave the field. No defensive coach will be allowed on the field during the year-end tournament.
  7. A coach will pitch the ball (underhand) to his or her own team. The pitcher/coach must remain in contact with the pitching rubber while pitching.
  8. If the pitcher/coach intentionally interferes with a batted ball or a play, the batter-runner will be called out and all runners will return to the base occupied at the time of the pitch. If this happens again the coach must leave the field. If the ball hits the pitcher/coach while they are getting out of the way, the ball is live and playable.
  9. The pitcher/coach may only talk to the batters or runners between pitches. (No live ball coaching from the mound.) Talking may occur while the pitcher is waiting for the ball to be thrown back to them from the catcher. There must be no delays in catching the ball from the catcher to allow for coaching from the mound. Use your base coaches to talk to the runner(s) and batter(s).
  10. The pitcher/coach or base coach may not physically help the runners to stop or go. Runners who are contacted in this manner will be called out.
  11. A batter will receive five pitches. Five un-hit pitches or three strikes will constitute an out. A foul ball on the third strike or fifth pitch will not be an out. If a batter after fouling off pitches lets a pitch go by, then the batter will be out. There is no dropped third strike rule. Walks are not allowed.
  12. Batters may advance one base on a ball hit in fair territory in the infield. That batter and any additional base runners may also advance one additional base on any misplayed ball or overthrow (such as a throw or running to protect a base) at the runner’s own risk. After the first defensive play and subsequent advance, runners may not advance further until the next hit ball even if another defensive play or misplayed ball is made. A two base advance will be the maximum bases allowed on a ball that stops or is stopped in the infield and overthrow.  The runner can not advance to home on any overthrow.
  13. Runners may advance to home base on only plays as a result from a hit ball. For example, if a runner is on 2nd base and is hit to 3rd base and then the ball is overthrown or misplayed, the runner may not advance home.
  14. Players may advance more than one base at their own risk on any ball batted into the outfield until the ball has been thrown to the infield. The infield is designated as the base line between bases. The ball then becomes dead and the runner or runners are stopped at the base they are going to. Players who must return to a specific base will do so after time is given. If a play is made on a runner after the ball has been returned to the infield and the ball is misplayed, the runner is allowed one base from 1st to 2nd or from 2nd to 3rd. If there is a runner on 3rd who is not allowed to advance home, then the runners may not advance past 3rd base. Only one overthrow/misplayed ball per batted ball allowed.
  15. Stealing is not allowed. Runners may not advance on a wild pitch, passed ball, or throw back to the pitcher.
  16. The infield fly rule will be eliminated.
  17. NO intentional bunting is allowed.


  1. A girl cannot play up or down in this age classification.  Girls allowed in this group must be nine (9) or ten (10) years old prior to January 1 of the current year.
  2. The eleven-inch ball will be used.  Game length will be 60 minutes. NO NEW INNING AFTER 55 MINUTES.
  3.  The pitchers plate will be at 35 feet, bases will be at 60 feet.
  4.  The offensive and defensive teams will trade positions upon three outs by the defensive team or five runs by the offensive team.
  5. The outfield arch for defensive player placement purposes will be on the grass part of the diamond.
  6. Runners may advance as many bases that they would like at there own risk of being put out on an overthrow. 
  7. The dropped third strike rule applies all season. 
  8.  Stealing 2nd, 3rd, and home is allowed after the ball leaves the pitcher's hand.
  9. Coaches may not physically help the runners to stop or go. Runners who are contacted in this manner will be called out.
  10. No coach pitch is allowed; girls will pitch per regular USA Softball rules. 
    1. If the pitcher hits two batters in the same inning, the pitcher will be warned.
    2. If the pitcher hits three batters in the same inning, it will be up to the coach’s discretion whether to leave the pitcher in or not.
    3. After four hit batters in the same inning, the pitcher must be removed from the pitching position for the inning. The removed pitcher will be allowed to return to the pitching position in the next inning.
  12. All other USA Softball rules will apply. 


  1. A girl cannot play up or down an age classification. Girls allowed in this age group must be eleven (11) or twelve (12) years old prior to January 1 of the current year.
  2. The twelve-inch ball will be used. Game length will be 60 minutes. NO NEW INNING AFTER 55 MINUTES.
  3. The pitchers plate will be at 40 feet, bases will be at 60 feet.
  4. The offensive and defensive teams will trade positions upon three outs by the defensive team or seven runs by the offensive team.
  5. The outfield arch for defensive player placement purposes will be on the grass part of the diamond.
  6. The dropped third strike rule applies.
  7. Stealing is allowed after the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand.
    1. If the pitcher hits two batters in the same inning, the pitcher will be warned. 
    2. If the pitcher hits three batters in the same inning, it will be up to the coach’s discretion whether to leave the pitcher in or not. 
    3. After four hit batters in the same inning, the pitcher must be removed from the pitching position for the inning. The removed pitcher will be allowed to return to the pitching position in the next inning.


  1. A girl cannot play up or down an age classification. Girls allowed in this age group must be thirteen (13) or fourteen (14) years old prior to January 1 of the current year.
  2. The twelve-inch ball will be used. Game length will be 1 hour 10 minutes. NO NEW INNING AFTER 65 MINUTES.
  3. The pitchers plate will be at 43 feet, bases will be at 60 feet.
  4. The offensive and defensive teams will trade positions upon three outs by the defensive team or seven runs by the offensive team.
  5. The outfield arch for defensive player placement purposes will be on the grass part of the diamond.
  6. The dropped third strike rule applies.
  7. Stealing is allowed after the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand.
    1. If the pitcher hits two batters in the same inning, the pitcher will be warned. 
    2. If the pitcher hits three batters in the same inning, it will be up to the coach’s discretion whether to leave the pitcher in or not. 
    3. After four hit batters in the same inning, the pitcher must be removed from the pitching position for the inning. The removed pitcher will be allowed to return to the pitching position in the next inning.
  9. Metal cleats are allowed only for the 14U and 18U age groups, for both OMGS league and All-Star tournaments.


  1. A girl cannot play up or down an age classification. Girls allowed in this age group must be fifteen (15) to eighteen (18) years old prior to January 1 of the current year.
  2. The twelve-inch ball will be used. Game length will be 1 hour 10 minutes. NO NEW INNING AFTER 65 MINUTES.
  3. The pitchers plate will be at 43 feet, bases will be at 60 feet.
  4. The offensive and defensive teams will trade positions upon three outs by the defensive team or seven runs by the offensive team.
  5. The outfield arch for defensive player placement purposes will be on the grass part of the diamond.
  6. The dropped third strike rule applies.
  7. Stealing is allowed after the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand.
    1. If the pitcher hits two batters in the same inning, the pitcher will be warned. 
    2. If the pitcher hits three batters in the same inning, it will be up to the coach’s discretion whether to leave the pitcher in or not. 
    3. After four hit batters in the same inning, the pitcher must be removed from the pitching position for the inning. The removed pitcher will be allowed to return to the pitching position in the next inning.
  9. Metal cleats are allowed only for the 14U and 18U age groups, for both OMGS league and All-Star tournaments.


Oquirrh Mountain Girls Softball Association
Oquirrh Mountain Girls Softball Association, PO Box 385
Riverton, Utah 84065

Email: [email protected]

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