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Houston Metro Football Pop Warner


2019 HFLPW - Cheer & Dance

The Houston Metro Pop Warner Cheer & Dance Program is interested in building leadership, learning skills, teamwork and discipline.  We take pride in bringing together boys and girls from the Houston Metro area to learn important things of life through playing organized cheer & dance participation.  We encourage good sportsmanship, respect for our community and each other, strong team unity and we are focused on keeping youth sports in its proper perspective.  All our volunteers are dedicated to making your child's experience a positive one. The Board of Directors, headed by President Terry A. Hayes, welcomes all players, parents and fans. Houston Metro Pop Warner embraces the Pop Warner philosophy that scholastic and athletic achievement should go hand in hand. Houston Metro Pop Warner is open to all who are interested in youth football and cheerleading.  We hope you will find this website useful. We will provide as up-to-date information as possible on such things as Association events, team schedules, field locations, and Houston Metro Pop Warner League Standings.

August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020
DIVISION                                  AGES                              BIRTH DATES
TINY-MITE                               5, 6 & 7                          8/1/11    -    7/31/14
MITEY-MITE                            7, 8, & 9                         8/1/09    -   7/31/12
JUNIOR PEEWEE                 8, 9, 10 & 11                    8/1/07    -   7/31/11                     
PEEWEE                               9, 10, 11 & 12                   8/1/06   -   7/31/10                           
JUNIOR VARSITY                 10, 11, 12 & 13                 8/1/05  -   7/31/09                          
VARSITY                               12 , 13, 14, 15 & 16          8/1/02   -   7/31/07     

DATE OF BIRTH                                                  POSSIBLE TEAM ASSIGNMENT
Between 8/1/12 and 7/31/14, Age 5-6                   Tiny-Mite, Flag (Cat & Cub)
Between 8/1/11 and 7/31/12, Age 7                      Tiny-Mite, Mitey-Mite, Flag (Cub)
Between 8/1/10 and 7/31/11, Age 8                      Mitey-Mite, Junior Peewee, Flag (Bobcat)
Between 8/1/09 and 7/31/10, Age 9                      Mitey-Mite, Junior Peewee, Peewee, Flag (Bobcat)
Between 8/1/08 and 7/31/09, Age 10                    Junior Peewee, Peewee, Junior Varsity, Flag (Bobcat)
Between 8/1/07 and 7/31/08, Age 11                    Junior Peewee, Peewee, Junior Varsity, Flag (Wildcat)
Between 8/1/06 and 7/31/07, Age 12                    Flag (Wildcat), Peewee, Junior Varsity, Varsity, Flag (Wildcat) Between 8/1/05 and 7/31/06,
                                                                              Age 13 Junior Varsity, Varsity, Flag (Wildcat)
Between 8/1/02 and 7/31/05, Age 14-15-16          Varsity, Flag (Panther)