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Massachusetts District 2 - Little League Baseball & Softball

Massachusetts District 2 - Little League Baseball & Softball


UPDATED - April 22, 2020

Everyone is District 2,

Please keep in mind, we are working through a very difficult, dangerous and life changing situation, that once long passed.. will surely be looked through the eyes of skeptics.  I cannot stress the importance of transparency and communication within your communities. Document what works and what didn’t for future discussions.

Also; I would like to extend a sincere thank you for all you do to bring Softball and Baseball to the many Girls and boys of D2.  You are a special group of volunteers, and some of the most committed and energetic people I have worked with. 

I am proud to have you all as the leaders of D2 and look forward to a much bigger and better MA D2.

We have the right people in place for these extraordinary times.  I cannot say Thank You enough.

Please call me if you have any questions, comments and/or concerns.

Stephen A DePalma
District Administrator MA D2 

RECAP of District 2 meeting held via zoom 4/21/2020 @ 6:00pm

Topics discussed:
League Finances, Registration Refunds, Seasonal Operating Expenses, and Sponsors During the 2020 Delayed/Suspended Season

As the season delay causes many leagues to assess their operating expenses and determine what monies may need to be allocated to vendors, sponsors, and player refunds, the local league Board of Directors should create a detailed report of the league’s finances that can be shared with membership as needed.

It was stressed -The transparency of the league’s finances will be paramount in explaining to the league’s membership where the league stands financially as it navigates this uncertain time.

  1. Assess your leagues operating revenues. Simply make a list of all the money collected for the year by category (e.g. registration fees, sponsorships, donations, fundraising efforts, apparel sales, special events, concessions, advertising etc.).
  2. Identify every individual that has paid registration fees.
  3. coordinate with your Treasurer and appropriate Board Committees to reconcile the total amount of monies received from the current season’s registration fees.
  4. Total expenses spent on average per player (e.g. uniform costs, equipment costs, charter, fields, insurance, governance and administration) that have been spent?

Immediate full reimbursement
VRBO was suggested as Blue Sombrero was too costly as well as the postage and time to write individual checks.

The League retains the registration fee and uses it for next season
Some kids may age out, move to another sport or move which could male this option void

Donate (all or a portion of) this year’s registration payment to the league
People are aware of the current situation and if the league is transparent with their finances some who are in a financial position may opt for this.

League Board of Directors will decide their registration refund /reimbursement option - policy utilizing the data collected, find the that works best for your league.

This is strongly recommended that it is added to the 2020 Bi-Laws for future.

Sponsors / Donations

  1. Approach sponsors with the option of providing their fee as a straight donation to the league (without expecting anything in return; be prepared to share your financial assessment with them)
  2. If sponsors ask for returned fees, ask sponsors about extending their sponsorship for additional length of time (for example into the summer or into 2021)

It was strongly suggested to contact each sponsor individually as well as mass electronics and social media.  These supporters of Little league are vitally important to the annual operation.  There was an emphasis on transparency and communication.

Municipal and Governmental recommendations
For the safety and wellbeing of our Little League members, families and community in whole. All LL charters must abide by their local municipalities, Park & Rec departments as well as state and local guidelines.

  • Agawam has been informed that ALL spring activities have been cancelled.
  • Northampton echoed that and followed that they are pretty sure it would be the same there.
  • Easthampton will call their city officials for their recommendations on 4/22.
  • All agreed that this would be best and it was obvious that it would affect any tournaments as a whole in D2  for 2020.


  1. Option was discussed for the 12-year-olds that may lose their Little League D2 District playoffs.  A 13 year old tournament was discussed or a later 12 YO tournament.  That was to be tabled for future meeting.
  2. A letter was to be written for the sponsors and supporters of the D2 Chartered Leagues.  AJ Christopher from Agawam has one already and he will send it to everyone for editing and comments.  It was felt that 1 unified letter throughout the district wasbest.  That would be done immediately after the meeting (COMPLETED)
  3. The meeting was necessary, and it was determined a follow up zoom meeting would be best.  It is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, May 5 2020.  You will receive notification from Ernie, Jeff, Marc or myself.
  4. As we are in uncharted territory, Steve DePalma asked that any and all expenses or takeaways they may have be cataloged for future discussion and possible reimbursement for better future operation and response as it will surely come up.  Funding has been proposed and is on Mitch McConnell’s desk for 8.5 Billion for help with lost revenue and expenses for youth sports/activities- more to come

There was a side chatroom discussion that had been going on throughout the meeting. 
It was asked that these notes be added to the meeting minutes.  
That was granted by DA Stephen DePalma. 
They were copied in whole and will be sent as a supplement to these meeting notes. 

Any other request to add information please forward for consideration.

Stephen A DePalma
District Administrator MA D2
April 22, 2020


March 23, 2020

To everyone,

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is rapidly changing the way that we, as global citizens, think, act, gather, learn, and live our daily lives. And, yes, that also means how we play Little League.

With the most recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Little League International Board of Directors and staff is now strongly advising all its local Little League programs to suspend/delay their Little League seasons through no earlier than Monday, May 11. We implore you to follow this recommendation and suspend all Little League activities through no earlier than May 11.

We recognize that this is the heart of the traditional Little League season, and we share in the great disappointment that many are feeling surrounding this additional pause in the 2020 season. However, it is our hope that by doing this, we will all play a small, but important part in flattening the curve in the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

We will continue to consult with appropriate medical advisors, government health officials and our volunteer leaders around the world, and we are committed to doing the best we can for the safety and wellbeing of our players, families, volunteers, and fans.

As this situation evolves, Little League International is committed to sharing the best guidance possible for all of our 6,500 leagues in more than 84 countries. It is our sincere hope that we can find ways to bring everyone back to the Little League fields this season, whether that’s later this spring or throughout the summer.

Currently, Little League International is working through all possible scenarios for the 2020 Little League International Tournament and tournament eligibility for our leagues and players in our various divisions of play.

Little League will continue to provide additional guidance on the impact of delaying the season and has developed a series of FAQs available at We are committed to sharing information as it becomes available on issues like player eligibility and tournament participation, charter and insurance status for the year, and A Safety Awareness Program plan deadlines.

There are countless resources available, and we urge you to follow the information available through World Health OrganizationCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), your state’s public health department (click here for a listing of state public health departments ), and other county and/or local authorities including precedents set by area school districts and government agencies.


Massachusetts Little League District 2

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