Christian Brothers High School is a college preparatory Catholic school in the Lasallian tradition devoted to the intellectual and personal maturity of each student. Our motto is “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve.”
As Sacramento’s longest-thriving Catholic high school, excellence is our standard as teachers challenge students to engage fully in a curriculum that provides them with the knowledge, skills and integrity to meet the challenges of a changing global society in a positive and productive manner. Education at Christian Brothers focuses on finding and fostering the God-given talents and gifts unique to each student.
At Christian Brothers excellence extends beyond the classroom as demonstrated by our rich athletic legacy and robust sports program. Today, more than 600 student-athletes play one or more of the school’s 26 sports. Additionally, more than half of the student body participates in CB’s stellar visual and performing arts program. Also available to students are unique opportunities such as the Scholar Program, student government, Campus Ministry and a myriad number of student clubs and activities.
In 1956, when the doors first opened to the current campus, just over 500 young men and women joined together to launch the area’s first co-institutional Catholic high school – Bishop Armstrong High School. Today, more than 1,000 young men and women enter its doors each day and each, in his or her own way, continues the legacy of learning, service and inclusive community that are at the very heart of a CBHS education.