2025 Mandatory Player Evaluations will be held on:
Baseball - March 15, 2025 (Rain date March 22, 2025)
Softball - March 22, 2025 (Rain date March 23, 2025)
All Players "League Age" 7-12 are required to attend even if they played on a Major team last Spring.
Be aware that your child's "League age" may be different than his/her actual physical age. Please use one of the links below to verify this so that they can attend at the proper time.
"League Age" for baseball is players age as of August 31, 2025
"League Age" for softball is players age as of December 31, 2024
Times for each age division are listed below are approximate and may change based on registration numbers. PLEASE BE ADVISED!
BASEBALL: @ Location Sunnyside (Kudej Complex)
League age is as of August 31, 2025
Baseball - March 15, 2025 (Rain date March 22, 2025)
Times subject to change
League age 7 - 9:00 AM
League age 8 - 10:00 AM
League age 12 - 11:00 AM
VOLUNTEER BREAK 12:00 -12:30
League age 11 - 12:30 PM
League age 10 - 1:30 PM
League age 9 - 2:30 PM
Players ages 4-6 do not need to attend.
Please have players do the following:
1. Arrive 20 minutes before scheduled time.
2. Be properly equipped including bat, helmet, glove etc.
3. Players can wear a uniform if they have one from a previous season.
4. Bring something to stay hydrated.
Softball - March 22, 2025 (Rain date March 23, 2025)
SOFTBALL: @ Mingrone Field
League age is as of December 31, 2024
Times subject to change
11:00 AM - League age 12
11:45 PM - League age 11
12:30PM - League age 10
1:15 PM - League age 9
2:00PM - League age 8
2:30 PM - League age 7 optional
Players ages 4-7 do not need to attend.
Please have players do the following:
1. Arrive 20 minutes before scheduled time.
2. Be properly equipped including bat, helmet, glove etc.
3. Players can wear a uniform if they have one from a previous season.
4. Bring something to stay hydrated.
League Age Information:
This schedule will be followed as closely as possible.
Please realize that there might be some waiting involved.
We ask for your patience and will move along as quickly as possible.
Players are asked to dress appropriate for the weather and bring their own equipment, glove, helmet, bat etc.
Each player will be evaluated while taking some swings in the batting cage, fielding ground balls and fly balls as well as throwing.