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Age groups are determined by your age on 7/31 of the current year: 

If you are 5 or 6 on 7/31 of this year, you will be in T-ball
Games and practices can be held on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday

If you are 7 or 8 on 7/31 of this year, you will be in Coach Pitch
Games and practices can be held on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday

If you are 9 or 10 on 7/31 of this year, you will be in Junior F. (this is kid pitch)
Ganes and practices can be held on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday

If you are 11 or 12 on 7/31 of this year, you will be in F League
Games and practices can be held on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday

If you are 13, 14, or 15 on 7/31 of this year, you will be in E League
Games and practices can be held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday

If you are 16, 17, or 18 on 7/31 of this year, you will be in Senior League
If you are 19 and a graduating senior in the current year, you are still eligible to play in Senior League. 
Gamers and practices can be held on Wednesday and Sunday. 

Field Status

Open Open

EJ Nutter Park (04:02 PM | 06/12/20)

Closed Closed

Diamond 1 (08:04 PM | 07/29/24)

Closed Closed

Diamond 2 (08:04 PM | 07/29/24)

Closed Closed

Diamond 3 (08:04 PM | 07/29/24)

Closed Closed

Diamond 4 (08:04 PM | 07/29/24)

Closed Closed

Diamond 5 (08:04 PM | 07/29/24)

Closed Closed

Diamond 6 (08:04 PM | 07/29/24)

Closed Closed

Diamond 7 (08:04 PM | 07/29/24)