Northeast Los Angeles Little League (NELALL) is part of California District 18
What neighborhoods encompass NELALL?
Highland Park, Atwater Village, Cypress Park, Eagle Rock, Montecito Heights, Glassell Park and Mount Washington
What are the neighboring leagues?
District 18 encompasses the El Monte/San Gabriel Area and includes the following leagues:
Alhambra American, East Alhambra, El Monte American, El Monte Eastern, El Monte National, Los Angeles (Highland Park Neighborhood), South El Monte National, South Pasadena, Temple City American, Temple City National
When are NELA evaluations?
Evaluations for Fall Ball Season will be announced soon!
When are games and practices?
Spring Season runs between March and June. All-Star games follow.
Fall Season is scheduled between August through November.
Practices are scheduled on a team by team basis and vary by division, usually held during the week between sometime between 4pm - 7pm
How do I figure out my child's Little League Age?
Click here to view the Little League age calculator.
Where can I locate the field for our game or practice?
Click here for a map of the NELALL Fields.
Who are the coaches in Little League?
All coaches in Little League are parent volunteers. These dedicated parents generously give their time to coach, mentor, and support the players. If you are interested in becoming a coach, contact the league to find out how you can get involved.