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Katy Pony Baseball

Katy Pony Baseball

Team Rep Information

2/12/2025- Team Sponsor Check Due
3/5/2025-  Uniform Inspection and Pick Up
3/21/2025 - Sportsfest Items Due (Katy Pony Clubhouse) 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
3/22/2025- Sportsfest and Pictures

Helpful Hints for Success

1) Team Parent Coordinator: 
•  The Team Parent is the communication link between the manager and the parents.
• If you are organized . . . the team will be organized.
• Have a binder to keep all information in one place.
• Miscommunication greatly affects the kids and the team.
           Don’t do everything yourself . . . you are the coordinator . . .DELEGATE
• Don’t get burned out, parents usually will help out if asked.
• Always talk with your Manager.  Get his/her input not just the parents.
• If the manager is new . . . tell him your job description.

2)    Make a Team Roster (example on website):  This will be your best tool for communicating!

3)    Make a Team Snack List (example on website): Keep it simple . . . a drink and a food item.  Serve after
the game, not during. Most coaches do not like their players eating during the game. Allowing players to eat during the game
causes distractions.

4)    Complete the general ledger with any credits and debits from team dues. Keep any receipts pertaining to money spent.

5)    Parents need to help police their kids; there should be no:
•  Climbing on fences and backstops.
•  Climbing on the score box, especially the top . . . no one should be on top!
•  Climbing or hanging on trees or in shrubs.
•  Throwing balls, rocks, other objects in public areas or against buildings.
•  Messing up the clubhouse and bathroom areas.
•  Overstuffing toilet paper in toilets or put other items in toilets.

6)    Scorebook & Scoreboard:
•  The Home team is responsible for keeping the official scorebook.
        •  The Visiting team is responsible for the scoreboard equipment and pitch count (Mustang and up for pitch count).
                •  No kids in the score box that do not belong to you.
                •  If you have the first game of the day, you are responsible for getting the scoreboard equipment & scorebook
   from the concession stand.
 The last game of the day should return the equipment to the concession stand. 

7)    Clean up after yourselves when the game is over: 
• This includes the dugout, bleachers and your side of the field.  Help keep Katy Pony Baseball nice.  The grounds crew is
   paid to take care of the fields – not to pick up our garbage.
• Make sure field gates are shut – the dogs get into the trash and if we shut the gates this helps to prevent this issue –
   we will send out emails!!

8)    Sponsor check and information no later than February 12, 2025.
• The faster the sponsor information is submitted, the sooner the order will be submitted and the uniforms will be
• Checks turned in on this date will have uniforms issued on the pick-up dates. 
• Checks turned in after this date will have uniforms issued at their first game.
• Waiting on a sponsor check – reserve with a personal check with Sponsor Information.

9) Uniforms – Issue Date March 5, 2025:
 Inspection and pick up is March 5, 2025, from 6:30pm to 8pm
• No personalization is provided. (Team reps can provide personalization for their own team; as long as Pony protocol is followed.)
 White font on left sleeve 1” inch high. Cap may be embroidered in white thread on back of cap less than .75”. 
                • Only league issued jerseys and hats may be worn by players at KPB games!!

10) Raffle tickets are due Friday, March 21, 2025:
• Turn in raffle tickets when you turn in Sportsfest items due.
 Money collected goes to the parents; does not go to the team or coaches!!

11) Sportsfest is Saturday March 22, 2025  from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm:
• Each team is responsible for:
•Providing three volunteers to work assigned stations for a one-hour block of time. Volunteers will be
 assigned to different stations. (Sign up genius link will be emailed closer to the event)
          3 - Baked items for cakewalk (No large quantities, Store bought Only)
$40.00 minimum from Amazon Wishlist
• 10 – 2-liter bottles of soda
 Silent Auction Basket wrapped in cellophane (be sure form is attached – see attachments) Minimum Basket
  worth $50
 1 box Ziploc baggies quart size, sandwich, or gallon size
• Please place any gift cards, tickets, etc. in a sealed envelope and give directly to the board member
checking in baskets. They will be listed on Auction basket contents and given to the winner of the
basket upon pick up.

**Drop off for the items will be Friday, March 21st  from 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm. You must sign in your items**

Sportsfest Tips:
Teams have had problems in the past getting volunteers from their team to either bring items or volunteer time for Sportsfest. To avoid this:
• Remind parents that this is our once a season fundraiser that allows us to have paid maintenance/field crews, paid umpires
and paid concession stand workers so that they do not have to volunteer or buy out for those responsibilities.
•Assign items for each parent to bring instead of asking what they would like to bring, or get money
from each parent to purchase the items.

Remind them that lack of participation (no volunteers) will result in suspension from the end of season tournament.

12)  Individual & Team Photos:
• Picture Day will be March 22nd close to your game time (during Sportsfest) in the clubhouse.
• Make sure to hand out packet information to all parents.
 Check your email as well as the Katy Pony website for times and information.  This will be coordinated around your
  game time.
 Collect individual forms prior to picture time.
 Have team arrive 15 minutes early and line up the kids from shortest to tallest.
 We will notify you when the pictures are ready for pick-up.
 There will be a make-up day scheduled for retakes and absences.

13)    Action Photos:
Only authorized photographers that have been pre-approved by Katy Pony are allowed on the field or in the dugout.
 Parents are encouraged to take as many pictures of their child as they wish, but are not allowed on the field or in the
  dugout during games.
 Approved photographers will periodically take action photos during games. Once these photos are posted, notifications
  will go out via email to each of you  with the link to view the photos. Please distribute this information to your team.
• Additional information regarding the Katy Pony Photography policy is listed on the Katy Pony website

14)   Game schedules – Goal to have posted late February:
  Make sure all parents have a copy of game schedules once provided.
• Game schedules will be posted on the Katy Pony website.
• League game nights are primarily on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays.  Some divisions will have to
   play Wednesdays.
 The goal is to complete the season before Summer break in Spring and Thanksgiving in Fall but could vary
            depending on weather conditions.
 Rainouts will be rescheduled on the first available date – including Sunday afternoons.
• Check the website for updates, reschedules, scores and standings.

15) Post Season Tournament:
 The goal is that all divisions except Shetland 4/5 will have post-season playoffs.
 All regular season games will be played first.
 Post season play will be based on final regular season standings.
 The format for post season play will be determined by the end of the season and the managers will be notified.
   It is usually double-elimination.

16) League Issued Rings:
1st and 2nd place winners for the regular season and post season tournament will receive an award.
League issued rings does not include Shetland 4/5 since no scores are kept. 
 You may want to collect money from parents for player participation trophies to be handed out at the end of season
   party.  This is optional based on team’s desires. 

17) Team Party:
•Team will want to schedule a season ending party for the team.  Go some place that is “kid friendly”.  Some places
  have “kids eat free” or “free food with uniform”.
 Keep low in cost!!
 Make sure to book early and remember you are not the only team party!

18) Rain out information:
DO NOT CALL OFFICE DIRECTLY - call the rainout number at 281-394-8107, check the website at, or Facebook page.
 Website is only updated on rainout days- if not current means it has not rained.
 Do not assume that games are rained out- Texas weather can be strange!!
Rainout information will be posted by 4:00 pm unless it rains after this time; then it will be posted ASAP.
 Saturday games will be posted by 8:00 am when possible.

19) Suspended Games:
• Specifically, on Saturdays, games will be delayed for 30 minutes before they are rescheduled.
 Teams should stick around but remain off the fields.  If needed, take cover in the concession stand, under our covered
   areas, or in your vehicle.
 If electricity is in the air – get off the bleachers and away from the metal fences and dugouts.
  Know that electricity travels and KILLS!!

20) League Information and Communication:
• Look for information about the league on the website or clubhouse tv’s.
•If you have a problem or situation, let us know so we can help resolve it before it gets out of hand.  We want to work
  with you and your team and often we are not aware of a situation unless you tell us.
•Division Director is your first line of Communication! All issues and emails sent will be routed to your division
 director so start there.  Respect their time as all of them have jobs but are good about following up on issues. 
 Contact information for each Director/Assistant Director is listed on the website under the Board tab.

21) Participant Agreement, Sportsmanship Code of Conduct, and Ground Rules: – (see website):
• KPB Participant Agreement and Sportsmanship Code of Conduct is posted on the website – all managers, coaches,
  parents, and players are expected to adhere to this Code of Conduct.  KPB has a zero-tolerance for ejections for
  Sportsmanship – automatic suspensions will be issued on rule ejections and sportsmanship ejections.
• Division Ground Rules are provided on the website. Please read through these and distribute to all parents on the
   team so that everyone can become familiar with the rules.
• Managers are responsible for their team’s behavior.  Don’t get your manager kicked out because of a parent’s actions.
  They are there to manage the players, not the parents!!
• We have a process for Umpire Issues – go through the Manager and they can complete an Umpire Evaluation Form 
• We also have process for Managers Evaluations- good and bad!!

22) Smoking and Tobacco Policy:
• Tobacco and alcohol in any form is not allowed in the park, buildings, stands or playing areas.
• Parents that must smoke should be courteous of others including players and their families by moving
   to the parking lot away from everyone.
• Tobacco debris should be discarded appropriately – (butts not thrown on ground)

23) Flu and other Sicknesses:
•Parents should use common sense.  If the child misses’ school, they may need to also stay home for the game!!
• Use common sense for proper hygiene – wash hands, etc.!!
• KPB will shut down if KISD closes for sickness.

24 Volunteers and Board Members Needed:  
• We need Committee Volunteers and Board Members – if interested please contact us at [email protected] 

25) Background checks:
• All team reps will be required to do a background check when interacting with the players.
All head coaches and assistant coaches will be required to do a background when interacting with the players.

Please feel free to contact one of us with any questions. Have a great and fun season!!

Sharryl Fellers - 
[email protected]

For other general information email: [email protected]


Katy PONY Baseball
4702 Katy Hockley Cut Off Rd 
Katy, Texas 77493

Phone: 281-371-0887
Email: [email protected]

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