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New England Pop Warner Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine

New England Region Pop Warner

2024 Cheer & Dance Championships

Region Finals


Day 1:  Saturday, November 9, 2024

Day 2:  Sunday, November 10, 2024

Mass Mutual Center

1277 Main Street
Springfield, Massachusetts 01103


$25 per person General Admission Pre purchased

$30 per person, Cash only, at the door

Box Office will open at 7AM – General Seating.

Arena are Box Office are located on Bruce Landon Way

Parking is at your discretion and the City of Springfield oversees parking.  Typically, $15-$20 per day.

Certified Roster Information

Teams winning or qualifying to compete in the New England Region Cheer & Dance Championships, held on Saturday 11/9 and Sunday 11/10, must be prepared to have their Roster Books certified by a member of the Region Compliance Team.  If your team has won or qualified, your books MUST be handed in immediately following each award ceremony.  All teams with automatic advancement will turn their books in at registration.  BOOKS WILL BE CERTIFIED AND RETURNED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


·       A copy of your music License must be kept in your Roster Book.  See book order for placement.


·       All Music must be submitted before November 1, 2024

·       Music must be submitted in MP3 format

·       Music must be labeled in the following order:

o   Team Name

o   Age Division (TM, MM, JPR, PW, JRV, V, BANTAM, CHALLENTER)

o   Declared Roster Size (S, M, L)

o   Dance Category (Theme, Pom, Hip Hop)

o   Please include Contact name, email and cell number

·       Music must be uploaded using the appropriate email address below:

o   [email protected] For all Saturday Teams

o   [email protected] For all Sunday Teams

·       Send only 1 file per team, per routine.  If you are performing a second routine (Sideline), send in separate email properly labeled.

·       Each town may have multiple teams competing.  Every team is required to send in separate email.



·       Teams, along with all coaching staff per Roster will enter via the main entrance.  Arrival time is at the discretion of the team’s coaching staff.  The main entrance will be marked accordingly.

·       BUS DROP OFF AN PICKUP: Buses will drop off and pick up all participants at the Main Street Entrance.  The buses will be directed to parking.

·       Coaches must remain with their team upon entering the Mass Mutual Center.  Coaches are responsible for their teams until exiting the Mass Mutual Center and athletes are reunited with their caregivers.

·       Registration:  All teams will stop at the registration table immediately upon arrival. 

·       Teams must check in together once all athletes have arrived

·       Only rostered personnel will be allowed with the team.  Proper ID must be presented

·       Each team is permitted 1 bag PER TEAM

·       Coach passes will be issued directly from your roster list.  Anyone not listed as a coach on your roster must purchase a ticket at the box office

·       Absentee Forms must be submitted at the registration table.

·       Outside Food and Drink are not permitted to be brought into the Mass Mutual Center.  Only participants with a Noted medical reason will be granted an exemption to this rule and must be preauthorized prior to 11/5.

·       Cheer/Dance Participant Seating:  The team will be escorted to an area designated solely for participants.  Only rostered personnel may gain entrance to the area. 

·       A volunteer will notify your team when you can proceed to the Warmup area

·       Warm Up:  Please report to the warmup area when it is your scheduled time.  It is the responsibility of the cheer coaching staff to stretch and warm up the team.  Once directed to the mats, your team will have 5 minutes on the stretching mat and 5 minutes on the warmup mat.  When your time is up, please exit the mats quickly.  You will have a few minutes to regroup, speak with your team, as you await your turn for perform.

·       One in line, we ask that the team remain quiet and respect the teams that are performing ahead of them.

·       Music Person:  Designate ONE person to start and stop the music.  Music must be submitted following the procedures listed above.  He/she must be a rostered personnel.  They will be directed to the music table (DJ’s) where they will start and stop your music.  It is strongly advised that a hard copy of your music is available.

·       Performing Teams:  Will be called to the mat.  Teams will take the floor in a spirited fashion and proceed to their starting formation.  As per PW rules, teams may use a short count to set. *Example:  5 6 7 8 Team.  This will not count against your time.  Teams are self-starting.

·       Competition Mat is 54’ X 42’, 9 panel.  The center will be clearly marked with an X.  Lines are vertical, facing the judges.  Teams will enter from the back.

·       Coaches will be directed to the coaches viewing area to watch their team perform.

·       Please make sure your athletes are aware there will be spotters on the floor during the routine.

·       Once a team has completed their performance, we ask they exit quickly.  There will be volunteers to direct them back to their seats.

·       Concession:  There will be dedicated concessions for cheerleaders and coaches only.  No parents are allowed in the cheerleader’s area.  It is suggested that each cheerleader bring money to purchase drinks and snacks.

·       Awards:  Winners will be announced at the end of each Morning and Afternoon Session.  Please select 1 coach and 2 athletes only to accept the award.  We will be announcing 1st and 2nd place only.  As per PW rules, all winners will represent New England at the National Championships.  The teams that qualify will also be announced as Qualifying Teams.

·       Once your team has qualified, Roster Books must be turned in immediately.

·       Score sheets may be collected at the end of each session from your League or Association Coordinator.  We will designate an area for each League.

·       At the conclusion of the award ceremony, athletes and coaching staff will make their way to the main lobby to meet parents.  Teams traveling by bus proceed to the Main Street Entrance to meet the buses.



NE Pop Warner

Patricia Martel, Region Director
 Rhode Island  

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