PLEASE NOTE: All managers need to be voted on and approved by the Bloomsburg Little League Board.
Once approved, he/she may select their assistant coaches for the season.
Team manager vs. Coach
The Manager of a team is ultimately responsible for the team. He/She will draft the players (except for in t-ball and coach pitch), organize practices, manage lineups, organize team volunteers, reschedule home games accordingly, coach the team. The manager is ultimately responsible for the behavior of the team's players and coaches and is the primary contact between the league and the team parents.
A Coach assists in coaching the team and performs any duties assigned by the Manager.
We are looking for
POSITIVE role models to serve as team managers and coaches for both our baseball and softball divisions.
All managers and coaches will be required by Bloomsburg Little League to follow along with volunteer requirements
(Please see page titled Volunteer Requirements).
All managers and coaches are to read over the safety plan and become familiar with what is outlined.
Managers are required to be familiar with Concussion Laws.