2025 Registration Info
Player (League Age) is determined by his/her age as of August 31, 2024. Example, a player born March 1, 2013, is league age 12…and a player born September 1, 2013, is league age 11.
Registration will be open online from now through January 15, 2025.
We will again hold evaluations at the 413ATC in Chicopee. The 2025 Evaluation Day is Saturday, February 8th (11:00a thru 7:00p). Exact end time may be adjusted. Timeslots will be assigned.
Continuing in 2025, Granby residents (in addition to Belchertown residents) are eligible to register for Belchertown Little League baseball. If you live outside these areas please reach out as we can possibly get you registered to play in Belchertown with a waiver from Little League.
New for 2025 is the addition of the AA division for players 7 years of age. This division has 60’ distances between bases and a 46’ pitching distance. Per player cost is $125 for this division.
Players, league age 8-11 are eligible to play in the in-town Minors division. This division has 60’ distances between bases and a 46’ pitching distance. Per player cost is $165 for this division.
Players, league age 9-12 are eligible to play in the in-town Majors division. This division has 60’ distances between bases and a 46’ pitching distance. Per player cost is $165 for this division.
Players, league age 11-13 are eligible to play in the travel Intermediate division. This division has 70’ distances between bases and a 50’ pitching distance. Per player cost is $165 for this division.
If your league age 11-13 player is interested in and is chosen for Dual Division team play (I.e. Majors player Dual to Intermediate OR Intermediate player Dual to Seniors) the cost for the dual division team is an additional $100.
Players, league age 13-16 are eligible to play in the travel Seniors division. This division has 90’ distances between bases and a 60’6” pitching distance. Per player cost is $165 for this division.
All paid Major/Minor registrations and all submitted Intermediate/Seniors registrations will receive a $10 discount only for the month of December. The sibling discount is returning for 2025. The first player is full price, the second and subsequent players are discounted $40 per player.
All returning Majors Division players will continue in the Majors. The quantity of Majors or Minors teams is uncertain until registration numbers are known, and evaluations have been conducted (Typically it is 4-6 teams per division).
When registering, please select ONLY ONE eligible division for your player, but understand that based upon evaluation day performance and team quantities, your player could be selected for a division different than selected at registration.
There will be a registration question that asks if your player would like to play ‘dual’ divisions (i.e. Majors & Intermediate, or Intermediate & Seniors). If you choose ‘No’, your player will only be selected for one team. If you choose ‘Yes’, your player could be selected for multiple teams (and for an additional cost). As per Little League guidelines, Dual is not an option for Minors players to also play in the Majors.