
Our Board of Directors

2021- 2022 Aviation Little League Executive Board

President - Barbara

Vice President - Rudy

Secretary - Miguel M.

Treasurer - Jackie

Player Agent - Manny

Umpire in Chief - Jose

Snack Stand Manager - Hilda

Coaching Director (Upper Division) - Jesus

Coaching Director (Lower Division) - Vacant

Team Parent Director - Angelique

Safety Director -Francisco

Equipment Manager -Phil

Field Maintenance (Laidlaw) - Rafael

Field Maintenance (Trotter) - Robert

Marketing Director - Vacant

Fundraising and Sponsorship -Fitz

General Email: [email protected]

Registration Email: [email protected]

Please remember that our league is completely administered by volunteers. If you would like to contribute to the future of our league, please feel more than welcome to contact one of the board members; new volunteers are always welcome.

Local Sponsors