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Putnam Athletic League's Cheer Program

Putnam Athletic League Cheer & Dance Program Putnam Athletic League offers a highly competitive cheerleading and dance program in the Southeast Region and the United States. With 7 National placements, 2 National Titles, 1 SER Cheer Coach of the Year, and over 8 regional titles in the past 5 years, Putnam Athletic League has become a recognized name in Pop Warner. To find out more about our Cheer & Dance Program, please click here.

Important - Season Information for 2024

ACDC’s Monthly Meetings 2024 Seasons
Please add dates and times to your phone calendar so that you do not miss a call or meeting. Important information is distributed during these times. It is critical that you attend each session.

Date Time Type of Meetings
 June 27, 20247:00 pmZoom Meeting
July 27, 2024 7:00 pm Zoom Meeting
August 29, 2024 7:00 pm Zoom Meeting
 September 26, 20247:00 pm Zoom Meeting
 October 10, 2024 7:00 pm Zoom Meeting
 November  21, 2024 7:00 pm  Zoom Meeting

Additional Dates & Deadlines

August 31, 2024 LCDCs must receive all Squad Declarations.  
September 10, 2024      Squad Pictures submitted to LCDC 
October 13, 2024      Cheer & Dance Showcase/Competition  MLK Center Gainesville Time TBA
November 28-December 1, 2024  Region Cheer & Dance   Football Championship Weekend 

Download Helpful Forms & Handouts 

YCADA - 2024 Course Available in June


 The Y100 Series:

  • Y101PW - For first time coaches

  • Y102PW - Refresher Course taken in the off year of certification

  • Y103PW - Recertification course for coaches who have already taken the Y101

YCADA Membership

Pop Warner will continue to be a member of the Youth Cheer and Dance Alliance for the new season. YCADA certification is now a 1 year certification.  In 2024, everyone must retake YCADA, however, there are different levels of certification.   Please make sure your coaches are taking the appropriate certification. 

Please review the following document and save it - you may need to access this info during the year:

As a reminder, you'll find everything you need on the custom league page on the YCADA website at:



Putnam Athletic League's Cheer Program

Putnam Athletic League Cheer & Dance Program Putnam Athletic League offers a highly competitive cheerleading and dance program in the Southeast Region and the United States. With 4 (four) national placements, 1 National Title, 1 SER Cheer Coach of the Year, and over 8 regional titles in the past 5 years, Putnam Athletic League has become a recognized name in Pop Warner.

Associations within the Putnam Athletic League may provide Cheer and Dance Squads in the divisions outlined in the table. All Pop Warner Rules and regulations must be upheld in each division. Tryouts of any kind within Pop Warner are prohibited. Team availability is based on each Association's ability to fill a team. The Jr. Pee Wee through Varsity divisions are categorized as Pop Warner Level 1(PW1), Pop Warner Level 2(PW2), Pop Warner Level 3 (PW3) or Pop Warner Level 4 (PW4) depending on their skill level. The Head Coach and Association Cheer Coordinators declare the skill categories. The participant’s age on July 31st of the current year shall be the participant's age for the coming season. All cheerleaders must pass a physical that is dated after January 1 of the year participating.

Tiny Mite squad is considered an entry-level squad and are not permitted to compete. This age group is designed for participants to have the opportunity to learn basic skills without the pressure of competition. This squad is permitted to perform an exhibition routine at their local, region and if accepted the national competition for fun and experience only.

The Mitey Mite through Varsity divisions will participate in a local competition sometime in Mid-October. The 1st and 2nd place winners from the Jr. Pee Wee through Varsity in each division in all three categories will advance to Regionals. However, if the 3rd place team score 80 or more and is within 5 points of the 1st place team that squad will advance to Regionals.

The Jr. Pee Wee through Varsity divisions will participate in a local competition sometime in Mid-October. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners from each division in all three categories will be invited to represent the Putnam Athletic League at the Southeast Region Cheer and Dance Competition Thanksgiving weekend in Orlando, Florida. The Southeast Region consists of teams throughout the State of Florida, South and East Georgia. Teams that place 1st and 2nd at Regionals will be invited to attend the National Pop Warner Cheer and Dance Competition at Walt Disney World's Wide World of Sports Milk House Arena in early December.

For additional information about the cheerleading program in your area, please contact the appropriate Association representative. Select Associations from the top bar for a complete list of Associations in Putnam Athletic League.


P.O. BOX 65473 
Orange Park, Florida 32065
Phone : 904-282-8856
Email : [email protected]
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