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Scholastic Deadlines

Sept. 1 - Oct. 15: Participants who are Home Schooled, or have a scholastic eligibility form on file, must complete at least 1 progress reports between Sept. 1 - October 15 in order to participate in the rest of the season. These progress reports must be kept in the book, behind or in place of the participants report card. You can find these forms in our  Forms section of this site.

msword SER Scholastics Progress Report -  When a participant has provided a SEF or Home School form and is unable to obtain proper progress report documentation from their schools within the required span of Sept. 1- Oct 15 (i.e., official interim reports, midterm reports showing that the child is progressing with grades above 2.0 or 70% ) they may use the Southeast Region Progress report as their official progress report.

All-American Deadlines

October 15 All American applications are due.  
All American forms are also located on the forms page. 

Scholastic Forms

All forms should be found on the Forms tab of this website. 

If the participant was in Kindergarten the year prior to playing, complete the Kindergarten form in lieu of a report card. Also, Use this letter when a child is entering Kindergarten; and therefore, doesn't have a progress report from the previous year.  A progress report is not needed for this participant. 

On the GPA spreadsheet. Remember for the report cards with a number grade (i.e., 98) click the PUB tab and use the worksheet. Enter the number grades. There are no conversion grades, just what you enter. For the elementary report cards that have letter grades only use the correct point tab (Putnam County uses the 5-point scale). You will enter the letter grade only, the computer calculates everything. It will enter the conversion number grade automatically. You only need to print out the cover sheet which is the GPA tab. If may be easier for you to print out the worksheet, but you may save the worksheet on a flash drive to be kept with the book. All this information is under the Instruction tab.

On the GPA spreadsheet. Remember for the report cards with a number grade (i.e., 98) click the PUB tab and use the worksheet. Enter the number grades. There are no conversion grades, just what you enter. For the elementary report cards that have letter grades only use the correct point tab (Putnam County uses the 5-point scale). You will enter the letter grade only, the computer calculates everything. It will enter the conversion number grade automatically. You only need to print out the cover sheet which is the GPA tab. It may be easier for you to print out the worksheet, but you may save the worksheet on a flash drive to be kept with the book. All this information is under the Instruction tab.




Scholastics Frequently Asked Questions

Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. (PWLS) is the only national youth sports organization in America that requires its participants to perform adequately in the classroom before permitting them to play. We believe that the standards we have set give these children a sense of responsibility and an appreciation for academics and athletics that will help them develop later on in life.

Like such organizations as the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and National Federation of High Schools (NFHS), PWLS has academic guidelines and criteria that need to be met in order for a child to participate.


Proof of satisfactory progress in school is required. A 2.0/70% or the equivalent shall be the minimum grade point average acceptable to participate. In cases of doubt, conflict of opinion, or if a valid report card is not submitted, the nationally published scholastic eligibility form shall be used and deemed final.


Each year, the most academically accomplished Pop Warner kids compete for Academic All-American status. This process begins at the association level and up through each of the eight Pop Warner regions to the national level. In 2014 over 325,000 kids participated in Pop Warner. As our numbers once again reached record levels, a record numbers of All-American Scholar applications were once again submitted to us...more than 9,700 applications!

The Pop Warner All-American Program requires a minimum 96% grade point average to apply. After the applications have been processed, Pop Warner determines National First Team All-Americans (35 football, 35 cheer per grade), National Second Team All-Americans and National Honorable Mention Scholars.

If you have a child who has exceptional grades, and you would like to see them recognized for their outstanding achievements, please take a moment to review our All American application requirements, and complete the necessary paperwork.  Scholarship monies are awarded to winners for higher education.  Scholastic coordinators in your associations will be available to assist you with your applications, or you may contact the League coordinator Melissa Wright with any questions.  

NOTE: This rule as it relates to scholastic grades may not be made more stringent by any team, association, or league, as other rules may be. No local team/squad may be allowed to participate in Regional/National sponsored championships or bowl games if it has not met the nationally published scholastic requirements.


We understand that not all student-athletes are able to meet our scholastic requirements. If a child does not meet the requirements of scholastic fitness, he/she may fill out and submit a Scholastic Eligibility form.

This form is to be completed by those participants in the Pop Warner program that have not met the National Scholastic Requirement of 70 percent and/or 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) at the time of certification. This form must be accompanied by a progressing progress report or report card to be eligible for play after the October 15 deadline. That report must be dated between Sep. 1, and Oct 15,

If no progressing progress report or report card is given in this window then the player shall be found ineligible for the rest of the year.


P.O. BOX 65473 
Orange Park, Florida 32065
Phone : 904-282-8856
Email : [email protected]
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