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2023 Pop Warner National Forms

You must use forms dated 2023 for the current season – old forms will not be accepted. If you have any questions, please contact your local administrator. Thank you.

Participant Forms

2023 Medical/Physical Form  (Physicals must be SIGNED by authorized health care professional in the current calendar year.)
 2023 Scholastic Eligibility Form  (Requires proof or enrollment in the current school year, and a progress report between Sept. 1 - October 15 this includes student staff)
msword 2022 Kindergarten Form If the participant was in Kindergarten the year prior to playing complete this form.
msword 2022 Pre-Kindergarten Form If the participant was in Pre-Kindergarten the year prior to playing complete this form.
 2023 Home School Form  (Requires proof or enrollment in the current school year, and a progress report between Sept. 1 - October 15.)
 2023 Absentee Form (Required for every Scheduled League, Regional & National Event missed by the Participant. Must be signed by the Head Coach, and League Coordinator. Parent signature if parent is available.) 

General Forms

 Event Request Form (Required for insurance purposes and must be approved,  prior to a team attending a function outside the normal season activities such as fundraisers, or team related activities not sanctioned by the League, Region or Nationals). 

Football Specific Forms

 2023 Age Based Schematic  (Age is based on participants age ON or BEFORE July 31  based on an ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE for the current season)

Cheer & Dance Specific Forms

These forms/handouts are to assist ACDCs throughout the season. Some of them will need to be included in the team books. Additional forms or information may be needed to be in compliance with the 2023/24 season. Please attend all scheduled meetings and conference calls to ensure accuracy.

Season Forms

Scholar Forms

Sept. 1 - Oct. 15: Participants who are Home Schooled, or have a Scholastic Eligibility Forms on file, must complete at least 1 progress reports between Sept. 1 - October 15, in order to participate in the rest of the season. These progress reports must be kept in the book, behind or in place of the participant's report card. They must be completed by a school official, and stamped by a scholastics coordinator. 

 2023 All-American Application (includes All-American Application, Addendum & Additional Addendum)
excel Grade Conversation Spreadsheet

On the GPA spreadsheet. Remember for the report cards with a number grade (i.e., 98) click the PUB tab and use the worksheet. Enter the number grades. There are no conversion grades, just what you enter. For the elementary report cards that have letter grades only use the correct point tab (Putnam County uses the 5-point scale). You will enter the letter grade only, the computer calculates everything. It will enter the conversion number grade automatically. You only need to print out the cover sheet which is the GPA tab. If may be easier for you to print out the worksheet, but you may save the worksheet on a flash drive to be kept with the book. All this information is under the Instruction tab.

Background Checks

Pop Warner programs nationwide are required to annually conduct a background check of Coaches, Board of Directors members and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to the league and-or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players and-or spirit participants. The purpose of these background checks is to protect the children. These forms should not be sent to the National office. Please refer to Pop Warner's policy on Mandatory Background Checks (Article 21 of the Official PW Rule Book).

 Background Check Memo (Please Read)

Disclaimer:  Pop Warner volunteers must comply with Section 1, Article 4, Proprietary Rights, of the Policies and Procedures of Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc.  Any violation of Article IV, Policies and Procedures, may result in the revocation of the league/association charter.

Compliance Handouts

Roster and Team book training will be held on April 22, 2023.   


P.O. BOX 65473 
Orange Park, Florida 32065
Phone : 904-282-8856
Email : [email protected]
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