Website Manager

----------- We do soccer #TheKSCway. We believe in the potential of our family. We empower our city. We are Kalamazoo Crew. ----------

The crew is the club for you.

Social Media

There are multiple ways to stay in touch with us. 

We love being able to connect with you in different ways and bring you all the goodness soccer has to offer. In an effort to bring you news and updates as quick and effectively as possible, we would like for you to take a look to the following links below and connect with us. Each place will have unique content to share, which is why we would love to be your friend in all of them! 

Enjoy the journey with us...


 Facebook is the place to get our latest news, message us directly, and learn more about
 our organization. We look forward to interact with you soon.

  Our friendship continues here.
 Twitter is our news and social networking site for posting quick updates and interact with our
 community through short messaging service. We hope you can join us for 
 conversations throughout events in the near future.

    Tweet us through this link.
 Instagram is the place to see us through pictures and short video clips that are unique to this
 social medium. We hope you can join us while we share our stories. 

   Check our pictures and clips. 
 It is said that music expresses that which cannot be said, and on which it is impossible to be
 silent.This is the  brainchild of a united community who wants to inspire each other stay
 healthy, fit, and love soccer. Enjoy!
Get hyped with us here.
 YouTube is our video-sharing site to let you take a peek on what's going on at KSC. Through
 this awesome medium we hope to show you games, interviews, and other interesting video
 clips to keep you up to date with Kalamazoo Soccer Club.

Come see our videos here.

KSC on Spotify

What is the Spotify playlist? 

Recent research (Thakare, A. E., Mehrotra, R., & Singh, A., 2017) invite us to learn about the effect music has on sport performance. The main idea behind this notion is to learn how music captures our attention, triggers a range of emotions, alters or regulates mood, increases work output, heightens arousal, induces states of higher functioning, reduces inhibitions and encourages rhythmic movement. However, that is not all. Music also has an ergogenic effect as well, it increases exercise performance, delays fatigue and increases performance and endurance, power and strength.

It is obvious that with such effects and after concluding that music has a direct effect on duration of exercise (which ultimately means development of endurance), we decided we cannot overlook this aspect in our club.

The release of a playlist is a call to unite each other and inspire our club and our community to stay healthy, stay fit, and perform at their best. Anyone can follow our playlist and learn about new melodies to keep you hyped during your day: Click here to access the playlist!

Do you want to inspire others?

Absolutely! Send your song suggestion to our Executive Director and share the playlist with others. E-mail the name of the song and artist to: [email protected]

There are 4 simple rules to follow if you want your song to be added.

1) It must be a song that you ABSOLUTELY believe will pump and inspire others. 
2) It must be a non-explicit song, which means, no foul language. Let's inspire others through positive vocabulary.
3) You can only send 1 song per season to the playlist. Choose wisely!
3) You must share the playlist with your friends and family and tag us on social media!

Before you go...

Contact Us

Kalamazoo Crew

901 S Drake Rd 
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49009

Email Us: [email protected]
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