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Rebels Youth Athletics

Rebels Youth Athletics


2024 Spring Volleyball Camp Registration

All camp registration $25 per person

This season RYA has decided to run a skills-based camp. The camp will be split into two groups that consist of 2nd – 4th grade and then 5th – 7th grade. We may choose to make a few changes as the camp goes depending on the skill level of your child.

The camp will run over the course of 6 weeks (7 weeks with Spring Break – we cannot use the facilities when the schools are closed).
Camp will begin on March 12th and finish on April 26th – all camp dates will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Weld Central Middle School from 6-7:15 PM. There will be no camp the week of March 25th due to Spring Break.

Your child will need knee pads, tennis shoes and a water bottle!

Over the 6 weeks we plan to teach your child, fundamental techniques, footwork & movement, ball control, game understanding, teamwork & communication, and feedback & correction. The goal for this camp is to help develop our youth skills so that we can improve your child’s volleyball skills and to help set the teams up for the future.

All camp fee’s go towards new equipment funds and insurance so we can continue to provide a fun and safe place to coach your children!

To register please click this link! Rebels Youth Athletics > Home (

Rebels Youth Athletics (RYA) does have a fund for people suffering hardships who may need assistance for registration fees to children, who without financial assistance would be unable to participate in RYA sports programs. RYA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with limited funding available for hardships. No guarantee of assistance is implied by this statement. If you are in need of assistance, please reach out to any board member in person or through email at [email protected].

Starting in 2021, RYA will not be allowing any player to play up a grade level or age division without prior approval from the RYA Board or Directors. If you register your child for the incorrect age division your child may be moved down per board discretion. 
Please be advised that RYA is made up of several surrounding communities and you may have to practice in Lochbuie, Hudson, or Keenesburg. These will be determined by your volunteer coaches availability as well as space, since this is limited! There will be absolutely no refunds if you are not happy with your practice location or times! This is out or our control and we do not have teams split by geographical locations, it is done by a random draw. We will do our best to accommodate requests, but this is also not a guarantee, and we will not issue a refund if you are unhappy with the team or practice location that you end up with.


Rebels Youth Athletics - COLORADO
PO Box 512 
Keenesburg, Colorado 80643

Email: [email protected]

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