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Pleasant Valley Bruins Wrestling


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Pleasant Valley Bruins Wrestling

The Pleasant Valley Bruins (PV Bruins) is a youth wrestling program for kids in grades K-6 that has been a part of our community since 1977. The PV Bruins is a Non profit 501(c)(3) and consist of 100% volunteers in our operation.

The PV Bruins exists to offer the youth of the pleasant valley the opportunity to learn and to participate in the sport of amateur (Folk style) wrestling.

The coaches strive to develop community spirit, and encourage physical sportsmanship, good conduct, and fairness of mind. The youth will develop healthy bodies and skills, each to the extent of their individual ability. They will be encouraged and rewarded for good scholarship, teamwork, competitive spirit, love of competition, and leadership. The PV Bruins develop, organize and control team and individual competition to the maximum of participant accommodation and club financial resources. Those youth that stay with the club will be encouraged to develop their skills as far as desire and individual talent allows. These youth will hopefully go on to be successful in middle school and high school wrestling in the Pleasant Valley Area.



Our goal is to provide the maximum opportunity for all members to participate and to teach the basic skills needed to wrestle now and to build upon through high school. We want everyone to see the rewards of their hard work and to enjoy competing. Above all, we want to show good sportsmanship, win or lose, and how to learn and grow from both. Wrestling teaches self-confidence which reaches far beyond the mat and lasts a lifetime.