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Pleasant Valley Bruins Wrestling


A Message from Your Coaches! 


-Takedowns 3 points
-Near falls: Wrestlers will earn 2 points for a near fall that lasts two seconds, 3 points for  three seconds, and 4 points for four seconds. If the defensive wrestler is injured,
 bleeding or indicates an injury after the four-point near fall, the wrestler will earn 5
-Escape 1 point
-Reversal 2 points
-Out-of-Bounds: Wrestlers will be considered in bounds if they have only one point of contact with the boundary line or inside.
-Technical Fall: If a wrestler has a 15-point lead after a takedown or reversal into a near fall, the match will continue until the near fall criteria is no longer met.

-Team Points:
-Winning by Pin or Forfeit: 6 points
-Winning by Major Decision (wins by 8 or more points): 4 points
-Winning by Regular Decision (wins by 7 or less points): 3 points
-Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Teams can lose team points for unsportsmanlike conduct or other violations

-Tournament Types:
-Round Robin: Wrestle each wrestler in the group
-Madison Style: Kids are grouped by age, weight, and experience (vs. traditional weight brackets)
-Open: Typically, any wrestler **Speak to Coaches on recommendations