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MOT Little League - Middletown - Odessa - Townsend

Available Programs at MOT Little League

Spring Baseball

T-Ball 4-5 Yrs. Old
This division is for 4 and 5 year old players. 

American Instructional Baseball 6-7 Yrs. Old 
This division is an entry-level machine pitch division for 6 and 7 year olds. 

National Instructional Baseball 7-8 Yrs. Old 
This division is a machine pitch division for 7 year olds who have completed one year of American Instructional and 8 year olds. 

Rookie Baseball League 8-9 Yrs. Old 
This division is an entry level player pitch for 8 year olds (recommended to have completed 1 year of instructional play, but not necessary) and 9 year olds. Pitching mechanics are introduced along with an introduction to competitive play. Stealing is allowed only in certain cases. Eight year olds must attend a Rookie tryout to be eligible for this division. If not drafted, the 8 year olds will move down to National Instructional. 

Minor Baseball League 9-11 Yrs. Old 
This division is intermediate player pitch and competitive baseball, primarily for 10, 11 year olds and any 12 year old players who have completed a waiver. Nine year olds must attend a Minor Baseball tryout to be eligible to play in this division. If not drafted, the 9 year olds will move to the Rookie Division. 

Major Baseball League 10-12 Yrs. Old 
This division consists of all 12 year olds, 11 and 10’s. This division focuses on advanced skill development. Players will be drafted onto Majors teams based on ability. If not drafted, the 10 and 11 year olds will move to the Minor Division. 

Junior Baseball League 13-14 Yrs. Old 
This division will consist of all 13-14 year olds with the 13 and 14 year olds determined by the draft.

Senior Baseball League 14-16 Yrs. Old 
This division will consist of all 14-16 year olds with the 14 year olds determined by the draft.

Note: 14 year old players are eligible to be dual-rostered, meaning they may play on both a Junior and a Senior team.

Spring Softball

Instructional Softball 5-6 Yrs. Old 
This division is pitching machine for 5-6 year olds who have completed one year of T-ball (in any league). Teams will be made up of around seven to nine girls which will allow for better instruction for their age.

Rookie Softball 7-8 Yrs. Old 
This division is also pitching machine for 7-8 year olds who have completed instructional softball. The division will prepare the girls for the step to competitive play at the next level, as they continue to perfect their fielding, throwing, hitting, and base running.

Minor Softball 8-11 Yrs. Old
This division is player pitch for 9-10 year olds and advanced 8 year olds. Players will follow normal softball rules in regards to stealing and bunting. 

Major Softball 10-12 Yrs. Old 
This division is player pitch primarily for 11-12 year olds and advanced 10 year olds. This division is eligible to appropriate skilled 10 year olds with at least one year of minor softball experience. 

Senior Softball 13-16 Yrs. Old 
This division is player pitch for all 13-16 year olds. This league combines Junior and Senior softball into one league. 


Spring Challenger

The Challenger Division was established in 1989 as a separate division of Little League to enable boys and girls with physical and mental challenges, ages 4-18, or up to age 22 if still enrolled in high school, to enjoy the game of baseball along with the millions of other children who participate in this sport worldwide. 

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