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MOT Little League - Middletown - Odessa - Townsend

General Information

Parent's Pledge

I will teach all children to play fair and do their best.
I will positively support all managers, coaches and players.
I will respect the decisions of the umpires.
I will praise a good effort despite the outcome of the game.

Volunteer Opportunities 

The league is always looking for volunteers. Please consider volunteering your time to the league today.  Contact our Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected].

All coaches, managers and any parent volunteers must submit a Volunteer Application Form along w/ a copy of their Driver's License and be approved by the Board before stepping onto the field. Email our Volunteer Coordinator to receive a secure, online volunteer application via email.

We are required to complete this process every year, even if a volunteer completed it in previous playing seasons. Each year Little League mandates the background checks and this information submitted. If you have any questions contact a member of the board.

In order to receive your volunteer retainer reimbursement, you must either manage a baseball or softball team, or complete a two-hour shift working to benefit the league. Contact our Volunteer Coordinator if you would like to sign up.

Volunteers must also complete Little League's training program on "Abuse Awareness for Adults". Volunteers can register and attend the self-paced online training program via the USA Baseball website.

Current volunteer opportunities include:
> Field Day (Saturday, April 13th)
> Opening Day / Parade (Saturday, April 20th)
> Assisting with All-Star tournaments that we host in June and July

Team Parents

To help us manage our league efficiently and successfully, there are many tasks a team parent can do. 


  • Notify all parents of time for team pictures. 
  • Coordinate arrival time and establish a meeting place for your team.
  • Encourage all players to be present for a team picture.  Our sponsors really enjoy getting this plaque each year.

Other Ways to Help

  • Other duties, as needed to help the manager and coaches, including scheduling any social functions for the team. 
  • Distribute games schedules, general handouts and practice schedules.
  • Communicate any and all news to players and players' parents regarding the league. 
  • Track forms for the league and any additional paperwork the Player Agent may need.  
  • Be sure all coaches/ helpers have their volunteer forms and drivers licenses on file w/ Player Agent to comply with Little League of America Rules.  

Having a Team Parent is essential! The managers and coaches will have more time to work with the players, and not worry about the administrative end.

If you would like to be a Team Parent, please express your interest and talk to your team’s manager. All team managers will reach out to the parents and ask for someone to assist!

SAFETY - Little League Child Protection Program 

All local Little Leagues are required to conduct background checks on all managersall coachesBoard of Director members and any other personsvolunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams. Individuals are also required to complete and submit a Little League Volunteer Form to their local league and a copy of their driver's license.  Please contact a board member directly or you may visit the handout and form section of this website to download the application. If this information is not on file you will not be permitted to interactive w/ any of the players.

Reminder: A child should NEVER be left unattended.

SAFETY - Delaware State Police Sex Offender Central Registry

Title 11, Section 4120 and 4121 and Amended Title 11, Section 4120 and 4121 of the Delaware Code requires the Delaware State Police to maintain a registry of sex offenders available to the public via the internet. The State Bureau of Identification is the sub unit of the Delaware State Police responsible to provide this service with technical assistance from the Department of Technology and Information.  

Click here to be linked to the Delaware State Police State Bureau of Identification - Sex Offender Central Registry.

Important Information (for Pitchers Parents)

Do specific pitch types lead to more injuries?

There is some evidence to show that throwing breaking pitches before skeletal maturity may increase the risk for elbow and shoulder pain due to the excessive stress these pitch types place on the bone growth centers. However, LLI recently published a White Paper on the topic that, in short, concluded – if thrown properly, with proper mechanics and in moderation (i.e., not more than 20-25% of total pitches thrown) breaking pitches can be thrown.  Additionally, the USA Baseball Medical and Safety Advisory Committee and AMSI makes the following recommendations for earliest age at which pitchers should begin throwing each pitch type.

Age Recommended To Learn Various Pitches 

Pitch Age ( ± range)
Fastball 08 ± 2
Change-up 10 ± 3
Curveball 14 ± 2
Knuckleball 15 ± 3
Slider, Forkball 16 ± 2
Screwball 17 ± 2 

Pitch Selection Suggestions from Tom House:
The split in game pitches is 65% fastball, 20-25% breaking pitch, and 10-15% change-ups. So it makes sense to practice throwing in the same ratio. 

What else can youth pitchers do to prevent injury?
Some Additional ASMI Survey Conclusions: 

Learn and practice proper pitching mechanics 

Do not pitch through pain. Joint pain in the elbow or shoulder is one of the first signs of injury. Pitchers should be removed from pitching if they are feeling or showing signs of pain. Rest is required to allow time for the injured area to heal. If pain does not resolve after a 3-4 days of rest, consult your physician. The sooner an injury is identified, the sooner proper treatment can begin. The result is shorter healing time and faster return to pitching. 

Do not pitch through fatigue. Research shows that pitchers who pitch through fatigue may be a greater risk for injury. Decreased ball velocity, ball control and/or ball command are all signs of fatigue. Pitchers demonstrating these signs should be removed from pitching.

Warm-up properly before all practices and games. Ten minutes of light jogging, cycling, or calisthenics before exercise will increase circulation to cold muscles, making them more pliable and less prone to injury. 

Maintain appropriate body weight and general fitness throughout the year 
Participation in multiple leagues, playing other positions, and practice should all be considered when defining and regulating “rest”.  

Take at least 3 consecutive months off from pitching per year 

Avoid playing other overhead sports such as football (quarterback), volleyball, swimming during the baseball season. When combined with baseball pitching, these can put a large amount of repetitive stress on a young pitcher's arm and greatly increase the risk for injury.

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MOT Little League

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