Website Manager

Tournament Committee Positions

Tournament Director
Preside over all tournament meetings, end of tournament report to WYSA, attend ECU board meetings starting in January to give monthly update, work closely with all committee chairs to ensure that all aspects of the tournament are covered. Direct volunteers for set up and clean up, determine needed signs for fields, tent acquisition/placement, Parks & Rec liaison for field lining, goals, nets, picnic tables, garbage cans, electrical needs, make sure facility is kept clean and that trash cans are in proper place for pick up daily, secure port a potties and bathroom supplies, work with all committee chairpersons on what their equipment needs are, secure all things needed from storage (nets, walkie talkies, signs, have nets on hand, secure corner flags, golf carts, and any other equipment we may need for tournament.

Award Coordinator
Select awards, secure appropriate number of awards, plan and carry out awards ceremony, identify staging area, coordinate w/Referee coordinator posting of scores, BUDGET estimate, and list of volunteers and times to volunteer coordinator.

Concession Stand Coordinator
Work with City of Eau Claire to establish menu items and as a point of contact during the tournament.  Coordinate donated food items including, but not limited to; donuts, muffins, condiments, bottled water.  

Field Crew Coordinator
Create field map and signs, oversee field crew, secure field liner, secure supplies needed to paint fields, maintain all playing fields during tournament, ensure that all fields are properly striped and set up to WYSA specifications, make sure fields are ready for play at beginning of day and corner flags are brought in at end of day, coordinate w/Co-Director, BUDGET estimate, list of necessary volunteers and times to volunteer coordinator.

Field Marshal Coordinators
Determine field marshal responsibilities w/ref assignor, secure necessary vests & communications devices, Train/communicate field marshal responsibilities to volunteers; work with referee coordinator on collecting and posting score, BUDGET estimates, list of necessary volunteers.

Marketing & Public Relations Committee
Market tournament throughout Wisconsin and surrounding area, notify area newspapers, radio and TV stations, work w/EC Convention Bureau on press releases, work w/program coordinator to determine ways of highlighting existing sponsors and getting a “THANK YOU” in the local newspaper. Work with ECU board to find major sponsors, work w/awards coordinator to publicize results, communicate results of ECU team’s w/local media and webmaster, keep list of donations for entire tournament.

Program Coordinator
Complete design and layout, determine deadline for all things in the program, update tournament field map, coordinate printing of program, determine content of program, and coordinate w/Public relations coordinator for list of donations to be in program, BUDGET estimates.

Referee Assignor
Secure FIFA qualified referees, secure housing for referees, develop referee schedule, maintain official scores and standings, work with field marshal coordinator on collecting and posting scores, communicate effectively w/referees, pay referees at end of tournament, red card report to go to WYSA, WYSA tournament report on disc, coordinate space needs w/Co-Director, BUDGET estimates, list of necessary volunteers to volunteer

Registration Coordinator
Verify all forms are up to date on website, collect all money associated with tournament applications, mail notification of tournament to perspective teams, check registrations to make sure they are complete, work with director, field scheduler and ref assignor on team placement, coordinate and mail all acceptance packets to teams and decline letters to teams, coordinate check-in process of all teams for complete paper work, train/communicate check-in procedure to volunteers, report inconsistencies to Director, determine space needs, determine equipment needs (copier), BUDGET estimate, list of necessary volunteers and times to volunteer coordinator.

Safety Coordinator
Secure medical personnel to be on site at all times while there is play, develop emergency plan to send people to shelter in case of dangerous weather, secure necessary medical supplies, alert local hospitals of tournament dates and possible emergency transport, provide for injury transport needs and equipment, coordinate w/Co-Director space needs and shelter needs, list of volunteers and times to volunteer coordinator.

Collect scorecards and keep scores updated online at soccer park. Learn the tournament software for scoring.

Work with Directors, Registration, Referee Coordinator on team placement, learn software before games are scheduled, schedule all games during tournament including re-schedules due to weather, provide schedules everyone on the committee that needs one.

Take minutes at tournament meetings, send minutes to committee members prior to next meeting.

Sponsorship Committee
Able to use EXCEL, Implement a Sponsorship plan, arrange for receipt of money, identify potential sponsors, update sponsorships as needed, approach potential sponsors and follow up leads, contact previous sponsors, ensure all promised promotions are in place, maintain list of sponsors with addresses and phone numbers, ensure club newsletter sent to sponsors, letters of “THANK YOU” to all sponsors at tournament end.

Volunteer Coordinator
Develop volunteer schedule (usually can’t start until 2 weeks before the tournament), secure volunteers for all areas of tournament based on chairpersons said needs, keep track of those members not volunteering or paying, supply volunteer list to areas that have volunteer’s scheduled, master list of volunteers to Director.

Vendor and T-Shirt Coordinator
Coordinate any outside vendors for the tournament, secure written contract w/outside vendors. Design a tournament t-shirt, coordinate presale of t-shirt, with flier, to go in acceptance packet, etc…

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