Website Manager

Whom to Contact If...

Player Issues

Coach/ Player Agent:

They handle all issues pertaining trades of the players in each division of MCLL. They take care of all paperwork for the teams regarding players. All questions and concerns from managers, coaches, and parents about a player of should be directed to Coach/ Player Agent first. The appropriate division Coach/Player agent will get back in contact with you.

[email protected]
[email protected]

Practice and Game Schedules

League Scheduler:

He/She handles all the scheduling of practices and field use for MCLL. All requests for field use need to be made via email.

[email protected]

Umpire Questions and Concerns

Umpire in Chief :

He/She is in charge of training and scheduling all volunteer umpires. He/She will be offering umpire clinics for anyone interested in learning how to umpire for MCLL. Please email UIC if you are available to volunteer as an umpire.

[email protected]

Concession Stands

Head Concessionaire:

He/She oversees the day to day operations of the concession stands. Any issues pertaining to concession stands need to be directed to the Head Concessionaire.

[email protected]


Auxiliary Coordinator:

He/She coordinates events for Murphy Canyon Little League. Opening and Closing Day Ceremonies, photo day, fundraisers, volunteer dinner and team parents. Email the address below with questions concerning events and fundraising.

[email protected]

Injury & Safety Concerns

Safety Officer:

He/She conducts background checks on all volunteers of the league. He/She will issue all the MCLL Volunteer Badges once cleared on background check. He/She is also in charge of ensuring safe playing conditions for the players of MCLL. If a player is injured during practice, game or at an MCLL event, contact Safety Officer immediately to process an accident report.

[email protected]

Equipment Concerns

Equipment Manager:

He/She handles the distribution of MCLL equipment and uniforms to the team managers. Any questions or concerns pertaining to the uniforms or equipment used or required by MCLL can be directed to Equipment Manager.

[email protected]

Website and Email Concerns

Information Officer:

He/She handles all registration. He/She handles all issues pertaining to the website, social media, and MCLL E-mail System. Any questions or concerns pertaining to the MCLL E-mail System can be directed to Information Officer. He/She offers training on the use of the system. For any information you would like added to the website email directly with the details.

[email protected]

Scorekeeping and Pitch Counts

Head Scorekeeper:

He/She is in charge of making sure all scorebooks are up to date and filled out completely. He/She oversees the use of the pitch count affidavits and pitch counting sheets.

He/She will be offering scorekeeping clinics throughout the season for parents and family members interested in learning how to keep score for MCLL. Please email Head Scorekeeper if you would like to schedule a training during your child's game.

[email protected]

Field Maintenance

Fields Manager:

He/She is in charge of maintaining the MCLL ball fields. Any issues or concerns pertaining to the fields at Orleck, Damato, and Santo may be directed to the Fields Manager.

[email protected]

Donations and Sponsors

Sponsorship Coordinator:

He/She is in charge of soliciting donations and sponsorships for Murphy Canyon Little League. We are currently looking for business and military commands to sponsor MCLL. There are a variety of sponsorship levels. A sponsorship packet can be found under the Documents tab of our website. For more information on sponsoring MCLL, contact the Sponsorship Coordinator.

[email protected]


League Treasurer:

He/She is in charge of keeping the financial records for the league. He/She oversees the positions of Head Concessionaire and Auxiliary Coordinator. Any issues with the prior mentioned board members can be directed to the Treasurer. If you have any financial questions or concerns or if you need to request a payment plan or refund, contact Treasurer.

[email protected]

MCLL Records and Files

League Secretary:

He/She records the minutes at the board meetings and keeps appropriate files and records of the league.

[email protected]



All MCLL concerns NOT resolved by any of the above Board of Directors:

League Vice President of Operations:

He/She is responsible for the duties of Vice President of Baseball and President when absent. The VP of Operations oversees the positions of Information Officer, Equipment Manager, Safety Officer, Scheduler and Sponsorship Coordinator. Any issues with the prior mentioned board members can be directed to the VP of Operations.

[email protected]

League Vice President of Baseball:

He/She is responsible for the duties of Vice President of Operations and President when they are absent. The VP of Baseball oversees the positions of Player Agents, Head Coach, Umpire in Chief, Head Scorekeeper, Field Manager and Safety Officer (in regards to field safety issues.) Any issues with the prior mentioned board members can be directed to the VP of Baseball.

[email protected]

League President:

He/She handles all issues or concerns not resolved by the above board members. Please contact the President only if all other attempts to resolve issues fail.

[email protected]

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