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Interested in Volunteering?

Please fill out form below and submit to the board at 
[email protected]

Please use a good email, phone number, and Social Security Number. These allow us to contact you and to perform a Little League International required background check.

I Want to Coach!

We have a couple of requirements to coach:

1) Fill out Little League International Volunteer Application above:

a) Agree to a background check (part of the first form above)

2) Fill out Murphy Canyon LL Coaches Application here.

(seems redundant but helps us as a board for coach selection and depending on the division potentially a coaches interview)

3) Attend a Little League District Safety and Coaching Clinic this is typically the first half of February.

All Forms will need to be sent in to [email protected]

Murphy Canyon Little League Volunteer Program

Volunteer Program Information

Please read below for some frequently asked questions.

Murphy Canyon Little League is a 100% VOLUNTEER NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION whose mission is to provide our community with a recreational baseball league so that every child may play in a safe and friendly environment.

To keep our program running smoothly, we must rely on YOU, our MCLL families to help run the everyday operations of the league. In order to do this effectively we have launched the MCLL Volunteer Program that requires each family to assist the league by volunteering for 15 hours total in one of the listed volunteer positions. A Volunteer Program Opt Out Fee  of $100.00 per family will be charged at the time of registration if the family does not want to volunteer.  If a family volunteers, the $100 fee will be waived.  If a family volunteers, but does not reach the minimum of 15, the $100 fee will be applied. 

Why does my family have to volunteer?

First and foremost, you should do it for your children. By volunteering you are helping make MCLL a better place to play baseball. When you register your children to play in the league and make a decision not to volunteer your time and talents, you need to understand that your children will notice what you are modeling for them. Our children are incredibly perceptive and will know that, while you think there is some value in your child's participation, the league activities are not worthy of your own active participation. You need to decide if that's one of the messages you want them to take away from the baseball experience.

Murphy Canyon Little League is run 100% by volunteers. Without parent and family volunteers to help with the enormous task of running the league, it falls on only a few volunteers and the league as a whole suffers. Teams may not have enough coaches to help teach the children correctly, games may not have qualified umpires to judge a fair game, the concession stand stays closed and fundraising opportunities for the league are lost. These are just a few ways the league suffers without volunteers to step up and help out, but all lead to the overall decline of a league.

When do we have to volunteer?

As part of supporting your child while he/she participates in MCLL activities, the MCLL Volunteer Program allows you to volunteer your time during activities spanning from pre-season organization through the regular season play. It is easy to say that you work full time or that you have a busy schedule, almost everyone does! MCLL offers a range of positions making it easy to find one that fits your schedule. All volunteer hours must be logged before the 2023 MCLL Closing Day Ceremony.

How much time does volunteering take?

Your volunteer commitment is per family, not per child participating in the program. Each family is expected to volunteer for a minimum of 15 hours total during the regular season. You can divide the 15 hours any way that will work for your family. There are some positions including Board Members, Managers and Coaches that require a higher level of commitment, but most volunteer positions are flexible in their time commitments. There is an average of 15 games played for each team from March-May. There will be many opportunities to complete the 15 hour commitment. Regardless of the position, the reward for all volunteers is allowing your children to enjoy the experience of participating in a first rate Little League program while having fun working with other families in our community.

What positions are available?

The lists of some volunteer positions we need to fill during the regular season are listed below. The specific number of volunteers needed in each position is determined once the number of families participating in our program is known.



Team Manager

Team Coaches

Team Parent

Team Umpire

Team Scorekeeper

Team Field Maintenance

Team Photographer

Umpire In Charge


Assistant Auxiliary Coordinator


What if I don't know how to do any of the jobs?

All volunteer positions have training and support offered by board members. Check the website or contact MCLL Board members at [email protected] to find out when the training sessions are going to be held so you don't miss them. It is your responsibility to let the MCLL Board know if you need to be trained.

How do we sign up?

On the player registration form select the position(s) you prefer to volunteer for. During one of the MCLL Walk-up Registration & Verification Days bring the completed Volunteer Form and supporting documents to turn in. One must be submitted for each person volunteering for MCLL.

How will the MCLL Board verify the hours?

Email the Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected] and tell her how many hours you volunteered, the date & time of your service, what you did specifically, which board member is able to verify those hours, your team, your name, and your player's name. It will then be uploaded to our Family Hour Tracker.

If you have any questions, please contact the MCLL Board of Directors at [email protected].

Volunteer Position Descriptions

Every family registered with MCLL must submit a hold check before their first scheduled game.

When a family completes their required volunteer hours, the check will either be destroyed or returned to them, depending upon their preference.


This position is the team lead in charge of team players, assistant coaches, and all communications between the League and parents regarding schedules, changes, rainouts and MCLL events. Managers instruct players in proper baseball skills, produce player lineups and provide overall player support and encouragement. Managers also help secure team parent, team scorekeeper and field maintenance persons (when applicable).

Managers are subject to board approval and are not guaranteed a coaching position from year to year. This position also requires attendance at Manager meetings and possible instructional sessions/coaching clinics.


This position assists the Manager with anything involving team practices, player organization, skill building, game operations, equipment handling, team jersey distribution and general player and team support. This position also needs to assist the field maintenance person(s) with field setup and break down before and after games.

Coaches are also subject to board approval and are not guaranteed a coaching position from year to year.


This position assists the Manager and coaches with parent and team communications and general team support. The Team Parent role will also work with the League Volunteer Coordinator to track volunteer needs.

Team parent role can include:

-Obtaining and distributing the team roster-Sending/Receiving communications (assisting team manager)

-Organizing a snack schedule and email reminders

-Organizing player trophies or appropriate coaches' gifts, if the team so chooses

-Collecting uniforms for screen printing of name on jerseys

-Organizing and tracking volunteers among the team to help with the below tasks

-Design Banner/Order or Make/Collect Monies

-Plan the team's end of season party

-Team Photographer (upload/distribute to team parents)

-Collect uniforms and sew league patches on them

-Distribute Photo Forms and call/email reminder for Picture Day

-Assist Team Parent in Dugout (T-Ball only)

- Must have badge-Plan 'End of Season' celebrations


This position will be responsible for maintaining the fields for your team before and after games. If needed, it is beneficial to solicit additional help from team parents as well.

Duties May Include:

-Attend mandatory pre-season Field Maintenance training-Relay and act as trainer to parents that sign up to help out

-Assist at pre-season Field Improvement Day

-Manage and perform all pre-game and post-game field maintenance duties (home games)

-Remove all litter, team and spectator, and place in trash containers

-Drag infield area avoiding contact with the grass

-Clean and sweep dugouts

-Set up and put bases away in locked sheds (if first or last game)


This position is required to attend and keep score at each game according to the team schedule. It is also helpful to solicit additional help from team parents for backup.

Duties may include:

-Attend mandatory pre-season Scorekeeper training

-The Home team must provide the Scorekeeper to keep Official Score Book for that game

-The Team Manager may require a Scorekeeper for away games also

-Arrive to field 15 minutes before game time begins

-Keep score - track the pitch count, hits, walks and errors


The Concession Stands are located at the Damato, Orleck and Santo Fields. They are open several days a week during game season. If you are having a hard time completing your hours, we can find something to fit your schedule.

-There should always be 2-3 adult volunteers at the Concession Stand

-Children under the age of 14 are not permitted in the Shack and must be supervised by an adult

-Duties to include: Selling food and drinks at the counter, running the fryers (Damato), and cleanup

There is no prior experience required for this volunteer opportunity. For any substitutions to the shifts or cancellations, the Volunteer or Head Concessionaire must be contacted in advance. Failure to show for your scheduled volunteer shift without any communication can result in an automatic charge of the Opt-Out fee.


There are a number of special events throughout our Little League season. This position will act in any number of ways to ensure those events run smoothly. Working with the Volunteer Coordinator, you will be scheduled to work at a particular event, and will be directed on requirements and time needed for that event. Some of the necessary areas required would be set up, check-in table, shepherding, team organization for pictures, tracking, clean up and/or could involve a Concession Stand shift on a special event day.

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