Junior Kickers Academy 6 - 8 Yrs Old
Fall 2019 - August 18th, 25th / September 8th 15th, 22nd, 29th / October 6th,13th. (8 Sessions)
Note: Included in Fall also will be a Jamboree.
Days & Times
Fall Season - Sundays 4-5pm
Jamborees - Fall
Kickers FC, NSSA or Blaine will host a Jamboree. Schedules will be posted nearer the event.
Spring: $225 (including Jamboree)
Fall: $135 (including Jamboree)
We will have our Junior Kickers Academy program at Athlos Leadership Academy in Brooklyn Park throughout the year.
Kickers FC Director of Coaching will lead the coaching staff and is dedicated to inspiring and developing these young players. The coaching staff all have background checks and are all licensed to coach in the Academy Program. The trainers will be assisted by volunteer parents that want to come out and help create a fun experience for all the players.
If your interested in coaching in the program as a parent. Please Contact [email protected]
Players Equipment
Players in the Junior Kickers Academy should be wearing:
Soccer jersey; Soccer shoes: cleats, tennis shoes, or running shoes;
Shin-guards; black or white soccer socks; & black soccer shorts (no pockets).
Kickers FC will supply jerseys each Spring. If you have not participated in the Spring, we will hand out jerseys at your first session. If you would like to purchase an additional jersey you may buy one for $10- check made out to Kickers FC.
To Bring: Size 3 soccer ball, plenty of water and a small snack.
Parents Note: If hot weather players need to be wearing sunscreen and bring lots of water.
If cold weather players need to be dressed in jackets and pants.
Junior Kickers Academy has developed a proven structure for player development to prepare the players for competitive travel soccer. The players will be engaged through high energy coaching that will be structured with fun skilled development games as well as small sided game play. 3v3 - 7v7.
TECHNICAL: Develop Ball mastery within dribbling games and skills.Introduce dribbling with different parts of the shoe. Introduce and develop techniques for changing direction, including more advanced techniques such as inside and outside hooks, even step overs and scissors.Develop short passing with inside foot and laces, to feet or space.
TACTICAL: Basic game concepts and rules. Introduction to team cooperation through small-sided games, but emphasis is still primarily on the individual. Working in space and aware of is very important to there development in the game.
PHYSICAL: Develop the ABCs of movement: Agility, Balance, Coordination. Continue developing the players is the certain areas is very important. Running, Change of direction, Speed and also flexibility and suppleness.
MENTAL: Basic game awareness and situations/formats to develop decision making. Experience success and receive positive recognition. Soccer Mindset sessions will be taught through the many weeks of sessions.
PERSONAL: Positive attitude and self-esteem. Fair play and ethics. Promote group interaction skills.
Any Questions about the program please reach out to Colleen Jensen the Academy Director [email protected]