KICKERS FC Elite Teams
KICKERS FC– The purpose of the KICKERS FC competitive program is to provide soccer players with the highest level of competition and training. Our club competes in TCSL games and tournaments, along with other regional tournaments. The players work to become highly proficient in the game, and must be committed to the program for all practices, games, and tournaments.
Kickers FC Elite– The Elite program shall provide female and male soccer players the environment to develop and compete at the highest levels. Players are expected to practice outside of the scheduled times to continue developing at a high level. This is a highly competitive program and requires a high commitment level by the players and families.
These teams will be placed to play in a competitive bracket within the associations and tournaments by the club. The placement is determined by their skill level and the club’s goals of building competitive teams.
1. Time Commitment
During the fall-winter season, these teams will participate in an indoor league. The purpose is to maintain skill levels after the fall High School soccer season ends.
The average number of training days during the Winter-Spring-Summer season is 2 days per week. Training begins in mid-January and runs through March indoors for 10 weeks. We transition outdoors as soon as fields become available. Training continues onward through spring until the competitive season ends.
Summer Twin Cities Soccer League games and tournament play typically begins in early May through the end of June. During the Spring-Summer season, there will be designated tournament weekends that will require some travel, and possibly overnight stay. Three Summer tournaments are scheduled.
2. Financial Commitment
Elite Team Player Fee for U15-U17 has a club based cost of
$1650 for the year.
No additional fees are required to play or train unless a team should decide to compete in additional opportunities.
This does not include travel costs.
It is important to note that events such as in-state and out-of-state tournaments are an integral part of the Elite & Green team program. A commitment by parents to the program is a commitment that their son or daughter will attend all the team’s events.
3. Travel Commitment
Since the costs for transportation, meals, and hotels for these tournaments vary according to the situation, no specific costs have been added to the financial summary. Parents should make their commitment to the Elite program based on the assumption they will have to pay for their family’s full expenses for transportation, meals, and hotels for these tournaments.
4. Volunteer Commitment
The Club’s competitive program requires volunteers to operate effectively and cost efficiently. These positions typically require a commitment periodically throughout the seasonal year. Some of the volunteer positions that competitive team parents will be expected to fill are listed below.
▪Team Manager.
▪Individual Team volunteers.
▪Practice Field Support staff.
5. Volunteer Fee
A deposit of $125 will be collected from each player at the first team meeting. These checks will be held until volunteer commitments are completed. If you should opt out of volunteering or not complete your volunteer requirements, the check will be deposited and redeemed in full by Kickers FC.
*** There will be no refunds once a player has committed to the team. This does include if a player is injured during the season. Team's budgets have been set for the season and will not change even if it has one less player***
If you have any questions, please contact Kickers FC at [email protected]