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Mavericks Football


Our team divisions on based on age, not weight. 

The division a player is placed in will be based on their age as of 07/31/18.

Pee Wee (Player Age 5-6 under 75lbs.)
Rookie (Player age 7-8)
Junior (Player age 9-10)
Senior (Player age 11-12)

Rookie, Junior, and Senior have no weight limit.

All games are on Saturdays according to age, starting with Flag teams, then the Juniors, and finally the Seniors. Some Senior games may be played in the evening.
Team size in the tackle divisions will be 18 with a possible max of 25 if we only have one team. Teams must split if they have 26 or more players. 

Our idea is smaller teams means more more one to one coaching, more playing time for each child, and more time to focus on fundamentals. 

When does practice begin?
Practice is set to begin on August 1st. It is important for your child to attend practice as soon in the season as possible. The tackle learning curve is pretty steep and every practice your child misses could put him further behind the other kids. Please check the website often for the most current information.

When does the season end?
All regular season games should be completed by November 3rd. Bowl games November 10th and Championships November 17th.

What paperwork do I need?
All players will need a copy of their birth certificate, physical,  and a parental behavior form signed.

What equipment do I need?
The league provides a game jersey.  You will need to purchase a helmet, shoulder pads, game pants, practice pants, practice jersey, cleats and mouth piece. Athletic supporters or cups are not required but strongly recommended, especially as your child gets older.  

Attendance Policy

Football is a team sport and requires a deep level of commitment from all involved.  Teams cannot have effective practices and cannot perform successfully with absent participants.  Therefore, attendance is mandatory at all practices and games, whether home or away, including the post season.

Excuses Absences

Certain circumstances are unavoidable and understandable.  Therefore, the following are considered to be excused absences, as long as the head coach is notified prior to the activity (practice, game, etc)

            Absence due to illness

            Absence due to a family emergency

            Religious obligations

            Other extenuating circumstances (to be discusses on an “as required” basis)

Excessive Absences

Please note, excessive absences WILL result in reduced participation, regardless of whether the absences are excused.  Three or more unexcused absences may result in a player being dismissed from the team with no refund of registration fees

Pre-Season Schedule

During the summer months, our teams focus on physical training and learning the fundamentals.  While absences are discouraged throughout the entire season, we fully understand families schedule vacations during this time. Absences for summer vacation will be considered excused if you child’s head coach is notified of your vacation dates a minimum of two (2) weeks prior.  However, as stated above, consecutive absences may result in reduced participation. 

Fall Schedule

During the fall, attendance is of the utmost importance and missing practice for any reason other than the excused absences outlined above is HIGHLY DISCOURAGED.  In addition, absences due to family vacations taken in the fall will not be excused and WILL result in decreased participation and MAY result in dismissal from the team with no refund of registration fees. 


North Austin Youth Football Association

5720 McNeil Dr 
Austin, Texas 78729
Email : [email protected]
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