Fall 2023 Tournament info
Opening round locations by division - weekends of 10/14 - 15 and 10/21 - 22/2023
- Boys Passers -Blanchester
- Girls Passers - Georgetown
- Boys Wings - Leesburg
- Girls Wings - Sardinia
- Boys Strikers - Georgetown
- Girls Strikers - Fayetteville
- Boys Kickers - Play in match @ West Union, all others at Hillsboro
- Girls Kickers - Semi-finals and Finals only in Hillsboro
Hillsboro field layout for all semi-final and final matches on 10/28-10/29.
The tournament bracket - this will have game times, locations, dates, and standings updated every tournament day.
- click here for the opening round bracket - 1.7- fp 2023 tourney brackets.pdf
>> 10/29/2023 - Opening weekend game scores and standings have been updated. Please see the file above.
* Note to all - games in opening round play can result in ties, there will NOT be overtime or PK shoot outs. OT and PK shoot outs only apply for semi-final and final matches.
** All coaches, spectators and players are expected to adhere to the respective code of ethics listed below. If any and/or all parties in attendance are not adhering to these guidelines, then they will be asked to leave the game location so that game play can continue.
Documents for Coaches for the tournament
Coach code of ethics - five points coach code of ethics.pdf
Spectator code of ethics - five points spectatorscodeofethics.pdf and memo code of ethics - first page of spectators code of ethics.pdf
Player code of conduct - players code of conduct.pdf
Tournament rules - five points tournament rules 2023.b.docx
Time keeper documents
time keeper rules-notice.docx
time keeper sheet 2019.pdf
state tourn time sheet.pdf
Semi-final and Final matches on 10/28 - 10/29/2023 in Hillsboro.
- Coaches will want to arrive at least 45 minutes prior to game time to check in your team on 10/28/2023.
- All approved rosters and concussion certification certificates for coaches must be with you during all games.
- you must have a time keeper for all rounds of the Five Points tournament.
Opening round group play - there is one document with all of the divisions and game dates and times listed above. Opening round standings are also included on this document.
- Field location maps are listed below.
*** Please be sure to check the LOCATION column on the schedule to see where the game is played. Do NOT go by the "Home" team for game location. ***
** Field locations and maps are listed below.
** Good Luck this fall!