** The Ref clinic will be done on zoom. You must attend 1 of the zoom calls.
Zoom classroom portion – pick 1 to attend.
- July 23rd 7:00 - -8:30pm
- July 30th 7:00 - 8:30pm
All refs must take the concussion course. https://nfhslearn.com/courses?query=Concussion
- Select Concussion in Sports - this is good for 3 years - email your certificate to your ref coordinator.
Five Points Referee Code of Ethics - five points ref code of ethics - 032019.pdf
The Referee test will be online for fall 2024. We want all Five Points Referees to review the new rules for u8, u10, and u12 age groups. The test will be available through the link below through August 3rd 2024.
If you receive a score below 70% - you will need to complete the SAY online referee training https://www.saysoccer.org/Default.aspx?tabid=971619
Steps for completing the course and taking the test.
1) Review these study resources and use them as reference for your test.
- IMPORTANT! - the official SAY playing rules -Rule Book PDF
- IMPORTANT! - One page review of updated rules and rule book references - https://dt5602vnjxv0c.cloudfront.net/portals/1870/docs/say%20law%20changes%202019-2020%20one%20page%20insert.pdf
- the SAY online referee training guide - https://www.saysoccer.org/Default.aspx?tabid=320078
- the condensed playing rules (this document has some answers, but NOT ALL answers) - https://www.saysoccer.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=IH7MYCqQtlk%3d&tabid=356773&portalid=1870
- Small sided game rules overview - region 418 build-out line 3-18-17.1-ref test.pdf
- Small sided game rules overview, second document - Small Sided Build Out Rules PDF
2) Complete the test in the link below.
TEST LINK - https://forms.gle/Zky6GbohZTSHQ2YW6
- key points - The test is open book/resource
- There is no time limit for taking the test, however, if you close out the browser window that has an incomplete test, you will need to restart it.
- After you click submit, you are finished. The results will be emailed to you at a later date. EVERYONE plan on going to the Zoom clinic!! EXPERIENCED REFS can help new refs and EVERYONE CAN LEARN SOMETHING!