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Jackson County Little League

Board of Directors

Application for joining 2024-2025 board available now. 

Deadline September 8th 2024

Click link below to view and complete forms. 
jcll board app 2024 draft.pdf

2023-2024 Board of Directors
Jackson Little League has an official board of directors which consists of volunteers who meet monthly during the season and twice during the winter months.

Back Row Left to Right: Dain Crawford, Doug Lindow, Megan Steussel, Ben Simplot, Danielle Castle, Susie Meinerz, Patrick Keller
Front Row Left to Right: Chad Ellingson, Anneliese Eddy, Sammi Windsor, Sydney Ernst, Jacqui Simplot, John Stankey

President: Chad Ellingson
Vice President: Doug Lindow
Treasurer: Danielle Castle
Coach Coordinator: Jarod Meyer
Player Agent: Patrick Keller
Information Officer: Anneliese Eddy
Umpire in Chief: Ben Simplot
Safety Officer: Danielle Castle
Secretary: Susie Meinerz
Concessions Officer: Sydney Ernst
VP Baseball: Sammi Windsor
VP Softball: Doug Lindow
Member at Large: John Stankey
Member at Large: Jacqui Simplot
Member at Large: Sarah Emerson

Alma Center Representative:
Megan Steussel
Alma Center Representative:
Nate Jahn

About Us

About Jackson County Little League

Jackson Little League is an all volunteer organization dedicated to providing the youth of our community with an opportunity to play the game of baseball or softball.

In order for youth to play and learn the game, it is necessary for volunteer coaches to teach the fundamentals of the sport. Starting with the youngest players in the league, coaches help promote good sportsmanship, encourage teamwork, and focus on helping players learn self control and patience.  

The main priority of Jackson County Little League is that all players have fun and continue to grow in their skills.

Jackson County Little League follows and enforces the core values set by Little League International.
One Team. One Little League.

Below are the four core elements of our enhanced Organizational Identity:

  • Purpose: To positively impact youth and communities.
  • Vision: As the world’s preeminent and most respected youth sports organization, we will inspire and shape future generations.
  • Mission: Little League believes in the power of youth baseball and softball to teach life lessons that build stronger individuals and communities.

Our values are the traits we value in one another.
These are the fundamental beliefs we strive to embody every day

  • Teamwork: We believe that teamwork is the shared efforts of individuals, characterized by trust, commitment, and communication, in pursuit of common goals.
  • Community: We are committed to the development and growth of community within Little League.
  • Inclusion: We prioritize inclusion as the intentional part of our culture, which is created when we provide equitable opportunities, access, and respect for individual differences and perspectives.
  • Fun: We cultivate fun through enjoyable, memorable, and safe experiences, which result in a sense of belonging and individual growth.
  • Integrity: We act with respect, honesty, and integrity in all that we do

Little League. Teamwork. Community. Integrity. Fun. Inclusion. Our values are the traits we value in one another.

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