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Jackson County Little League

Coaches/Umpire Meetings

Coaches/Safety Meeting 2025

Date: April 23rd
Time: 7:30pm
Via Zoom: Watch email for link

2025 Umpire Clinic

Black River Falls
Date: April 26th
Time: 10:00am

Good Weather Location: Marks Field -- 700 North 10th Street, Black River Falls
Poor Weather Location: Milt Lunda Memorial Arena -- 388 Melrose Street, Black River Falls

Team Age Requirements

Jackson County Little League focuses on allowing local youth to learn the fundamentals of baseball/softball while continuing to grow their skills and have fun playing the sport. This means the focus is not only on winning, but also encouraging strong teamwork and good sportsmanship.

League players range in age from 5 to 14 years old.

T-Ball: 5-6 years old -- Pre-K - Kindergarten -- Boys or Girls
**MUST be 5 years old by August 31, 2025**

Rookie Ball: 
7-8 year old's -- First Grade and Second Grade -- Girls or Boys.

10U Minor League Baseball and Softball:
9-10 year old's -- Third and Fourth Grade

12U Major League Baseball and Softball:
11-12 year old's -- Fifth and Sixth Grade

14U Pony Baseball/Junior Softball:
12-14 year old's -- Seventh and Eighth 

Jackson Little League recommends that kids play at their respective age levels. 

*If player's age is older for their grade and would like to play down in order to play at their current grade level please contact parks and recreation director. 

Registration Contact: 
Jarod Meyer
[email protected]
*Use the child’s age by August 31, 2025 for registration level. 

Jackson County LL Coop Schedule

Schedule for 2025 Season

Coach Coordinator: Jarod Meyer
Phone: (715)-284-9246
Email[email protected]

March 9th
Each city to provide number of teams for each age group and field availability to Jarod Meyer. 
Also include if field has lights.

April 9th 
Jarod Meyer to distribute draft schedule for review

April 13th
Cities to provide any requested changes to Jarod Meyer

April 23rd
Jarod Meyer to distribute final schedules

May 1st 
Team rosters due to Jarod Meyer

May 19th 
Start of games

July 3rd
Last Game Day


2025 Jackson County League Tournaments:


10U Minor Baseball — June 6-8 — Melrose-Mindoro
12U Major Baseball — June 20-22 — Alma Center
14U Pony Baseball — May 30-June 1 — Arcadia 


10U Minor Softball — June 20-22 — Ettrick 
12U Major Softball — June 13-15— Independence 
14U Junior Softball — May 30-June 1 —Arcadia

2025 Friday Night Lights:

10U Minor & 12U MajorBaseball - July 11th - BRF

10U Minor & 12U Major Softball - July 11th - BRF

14U Pony Baseball — July 11th - Blair Taylor

14U Junior Softball — July 11th - Independence

2025 Open Jackson County Tournaments:

Click here for registration page 

Jackson County Jam (Baseball)
Ages: 10U & 12U Baseball
Location: Black River Falls, WI
Date: July 18-20th

Jackson County Jam (Softball)
Ages: 10U & 12U Softball
Location: Black River Falls, WI
Date: July 25-27th

$300.00 Registration Fee per team

Contact: Jarod Meyer
Phone:  715-284-9246
Email: [email protected]

 League Tournament Reminders:

• If a team is comprised of three pods, all pods must be rotated evenly throughout the tournament.

• All teams playing in the tournament must submit a team roster to the tournament director.

Registration Contact: Jarod Meyer
Phone:   715-284-9246
Email: [email protected]

Field Locations

CityField NameAddress Google Link From WhitehallGoogle Link From Cochrane
Alma CenterOn East StreetWhitehall, WI to East St, Alma Center, WI 54611 - Google Maps
 Cochrane, WI to East St, Alma Center, WI 54611 - Google Maps
ArcadiaMemorial ParkMemorial Park DriveWhitehall, WI to Memorial Park Dr, Arcadia, WI 54612 - Google Maps
Cochrane, WI to Memorial Park Dr, Arcadia, WI 54612 - Google Maps 
Black River FallsSteve Peterson Field/Marks SP700 N. 10th StreetWhitehall, WI to 700 N 10th St, Black River Falls, WI 54615 - Google Maps Cochrane, WI to 700 N 10th St, Black River Falls, WI 54615 - Google Maps
Black River FallsBob Teeples Field/Marks BT700 N. 10th StreetWhitehall, WI to 700 N 10th St, Black River Falls, WI 54615 - Google Maps Cochrane, WI to 700 N 10th St, Black River Falls, WI 54615 - Google Maps
Black River FallsDale Borreson Field/Brockway200 W. 4th StreetWhitehall, WI to 200 W 4th St, Black River Falls, WI 54615 - Google Maps Cochrane, WI to 200-298 W 4th St, Black River Falls, WI 54615 - Google Maps
Black River FallsRed Creek720 Forrest StreetWhitehall, WI to 720 Forrest Street, Black River Falls, WI - Google Maps Cochrane, WI to 720 Forrest Street, Black River Falls, WI - Google Maps
Black River FallsLunda Park1400 Tyler StreetWhitehall, WI to 1400 Tyler Street, Black River Falls, WI - Google Maps Cochrane, WI to 1400 Tyler Street, Black River Falls, WI - Google Maps
BlairBlair Park Softball FieldNorth Park RoadWhitehall, WI to N Park Rd, Blair, WI 54616 - Google Maps Cochrane, WI to Memorial Park, Blair, WI 54616 - Google Maps
Buffalo City (CFC)Buffalo City Field 1 & 2West 20th Street and North Herman StreetWhitehall, WI to 2-98 W 20th St, Cochrane, WI 54622 - Google Maps 
CochraneCochrane FieldSouth Main and Hoover StreetWhitehall, WI to Hoover St, Cochrane, WI 54622 - Google Maps 
Fountain CityFountain City FieldSouth Main Street and Park RoadWhitehall, WI to Park Rd, Fountain City, WI 54629 - Google Maps 
Fountain CityBluff Siding FieldW387 WI-35 #54Whitehall, WI to w387 WI-35, Fountain City, WI 54629 - Google Maps 
EttrickEttrick Memorial Park Field 1On Park StreetWhitehall, WI to Park St, Ettrick, WI 54627 - Google Maps
 Cochrane, WI to Park St, Ettrick, WI 54627 - Google Maps
EttrickEttrick Memorial Park Field 2On Park StreetWhitehall, WI to Park St, Ettrick, WI 54627 - Google Maps Cochrane, WI to Park St, Ettrick, WI 54627 - Google Maps
GilmantonGilmanton Ball FieldS889 Larson RoadWhitehall, WI to S889 Larson Road, Gilmanton, WI - Google Maps Cochrane, WI to S889 Larson Road, Gilmanton, WI - Google Maps
Independence4 Season Park Field 1 & 2Chestnut Street and Elm StreetWhitehall, WI to Four Seasons Park - Google MapsCochrane, WI to Four Seasons Park - Google Maps 
MelroseMelrose Ball Field 1 &2Third Street & Summit StreetWhitehall, WI to 802 3rd St, Melrose, WI 54642 - Google Maps
 Cochrane, WI to 802 3rd St, Melrose, WI 54642 - Google Maps
MerrillanGile ParkPark DriveWhitehall, WI to Park Dr, Merrillan, WI 54754 - Google Maps
 Cochrane, WI to Park Dr, Merrillan, WI 54754 - Google Maps
MindoroMindoro Ball FieldChurch StreetWhitehall, WI to Schlifer Development, Church St, Mindoro, WI 54644 - Google Maps
 Cochrane, WI to Schlifer Development, Church St, Mindoro, WI 54644 - Google Maps
Pigeon FallsEkern Park13022 E Main StreetWhitehall, WI to Ekern Park, 13022 E Main St - Google Maps
 Cochrane, WI to Ekern Park - Google Maps
TaylorDocs FieldProvidence Street and Third StreetWhitehall, WI to Taylor, Wisconsin 54659 - Google Maps
 Cochrane, WI to 2-222 Providence St, Taylor, WI 54659 - Google Maps
TaylorTaylor ParkOn County Rd PWhitehall, WI to Community Park, Taylor, WI - Google Maps
 Cochrane, WI to Pearl St, Taylor, WI 54659 - Google Maps
WhitehallMelby ParkPark Street and Hobart Street
 Cochrane, WI to Lafollette St, Whitehall, WI 54773 - Google Maps
WhitehallPleasantville Lions Ball ParkN42058 County O
 Cochrane, WI to Pleasantville Lions Ball Park - Google Maps
WhitehallLarson Park36535 West Street

 Cochrane, WI to Larson Park, Earle Street, Whitehall, WI - Google Maps

League Organizers

League Organizers
Contact Info







Alma Center

Charlie Bue


[email protected]


Chris Hund


[email protected]

Seth Benedict


[email protected]


Sierra Overlien


[email protected]

Danielle Peterson


[email protected]

Black River Falls

Jarod Meyer


[email protected]

Chad Ellingson


[email protected]

Cochrane-Fountain City

Hank Rollinger


[email protected]

Denise Yapp


[email protected]


Lauren Filla


[email protected]

Jeanette Dooley


[email protected]


Jenna Sonsalla


[email protected]

Dallas Symicek


[email protected]


Lindsay Rozek


[email protected]

Justin Blaken


[email protected]


Katie Johnson


[email protected]

Becky Nordahl


[email protected]



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