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Please read this section in its entirety:

Opening day and access to field use throughout the season is determined by each town, municipality, park commission and our school district. The decision to play is based on overall field safety conditions and the weather forecast.

Permits for MWLL have been secured and we are grateful for their use.

Please note: 

The MWLL does not own or control any of the fields used for practice and game play, field use is shared with other locally permitted leagues including Soccer, Lacrosse, football, Orange County Football, Cross Country, School and Travel teams.

All families, players and coaches all must realize that using a closed field is a violation of our permit agreement and that any unauthorized use may result in our field permits being suspended or revoked. 

If a field is closed, then it remains closed for both games and practice use until we receive notification that they have been re-opened.
This means that in inclement or potentially stormy weather, MWLL does not determine whether to call for “rain out” or allow games to be played.It is always our intention to play all scheduled games, however this decision is often out of our control. 

Field Use: 

With regards to using the baseball/softball fields, please keep in mind that each town, municipality, school (Monroe, Harriman, Woodbury, MW School District) all have different protocols and determining factors when deciding to allow our use of the fields.

1. No member shall use/access any fields outside of times/dates for which the Mwll has been granted permits. Teams are NEVER permitted to use the fields when they are deemed CLOSED

2. Identifying markers appear at the fields to show whether or not they are OPEN. These are reviewed below.

3. MWLL is not the only program utilizing the fields, various travel teams and recreational leagues have also obtained permits and use the very same fields.  Our MWLL permit is expected to allow for our access effective 4/2. Other leagues who have obtained permits may already be using the fields.

4. In the event of standing water on the field, we are not permitted to apply any quick drying agent or to push/broom the water off the infields.

5. All fields/parks are officially closed at dusk.

Mary Harriman Memorial Park: When any of the Mary Harriman fields (Field #1, #2 and VFW) are closed there will be a large yellow and black sign hung on the back stop that states “Fields are Closed”. If the fields are closed on either Friday/Saturday, they remain closed until Monday when they are re-evaluated by the parks Dept. and re-opened.

Smith Clove Park: At the top of the equipment shed located in front of the softball field, either a green or red light is shown. When red is shown, that field is closed. When green is shown, then that field is open. No member shall use/access fields outside of times/dates for which the Mwll has been granted permits or when it is closed.

Mombasha: Mombasha fields are closed when there is standing water on the field. The town locks the gate as indication that fields are closed. Do not climb over or go around the gate to access the field if the gates are locked.

MW School District: Monroe Woodbury School district hangs a red or green flag on the pole located above the concession stand in the Athletic Complex. When the red flag is hung, ALL fields are closed. When green flag is hung, ALL fields are open. MW School District operates as “All Open” or “All Closed”. You can access information for the school fields at

Woodbury: Brickley, Dunderberg and Earl Reservoir fields do not use an indicator system. If there is any standing water/puddles on the field it is deemed unsafe for play and is Closed.

Safety Items:

1. All safety issues and injuries must be immediately reported to the league by sending an email to: [email protected]

2. On deck swinging of bats and the use of a batting doughnut weight is strictly prohibited.

3. Only the head coach and two assistant coaches are permitted on the playing field or in the dugout during game play. Additional coaches who have an approved league back ground check can assist in facilitating practices.

4. One coach must be present in the dugout at all times during game play.

5. EVERY Coach must have submitted a completed volunteer back ground check form to the league that has been approved prior to participating in any game, being present in the dugout or helping to facilitate practices.

6. Players must remain in the dugout area while their team is at bat. There is no on deck swinging of bats or the use of batting doughnuts permitted. Players wandering around or standing behind the back stop during game play is strictly prohibited.

7. Players are not permitted to climb fencing in the dugout, on the back stop areas or around the field area at any time. Coaches must maintain control of their players on the field and in the dugout at all times.Un-sportsman like behavior is strictly prohibited.

8. Batters and base runners are required to have on a batting helmet at all times while on the field of play.

9. Catchers are required to wear shin guards, a helmet with a throat guard, a chest protector and protective “cup” during practices or game play. Coaches are NOT permitted to warm up pitchers at any time.

10. Arguing or questioning calls on a continuous basis with umpires is strictly prohibited. This type of behavior sets a poor example for the children and will result in disciplinary action. The head coach is the only person who can request a rule clarification from the Umpire.

Equipment protocol:

1. Both home and away coaches are responsible to return and secure all equipment after each game including: bases, umpire safety gear and AED units, portable pitchers mounds.

2. Field boxes and sheds must be locked and the dugout area must be cleaned of all debris after the completion of each game or practice. Please have players discard their beverage containers and clean up after themselves. There are garbage containers located at each field so please use them.

3. Please use caution when removing bases from the fields. The anchoring system will become unsecured from the ground or damaged by improperly removing the bases. Remember to install base plugs after removing the bases to prevent water and clay infiltration. Only managers and coaches are permitted to collect the equipment and properly secure it before leaving the field. Please "do not" ask your players to complete this task.

4. Any coach that finds a safety hazard, debris in the dug outs, equipment that has been left out on the field, a lock box or shed that has been left open is to report the incident to the league immediately by emailing: [email protected]. If there has been an incident both prior teams - the last scheduled teams on that field will be held responsible.

5. Violations of league policies, green book rules, sports code of conduct or the parental code of conduct will result in disciplinary action that may result in suspension from game play. Thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, MWLL 

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