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Spring Klein Sports Association

Umpire Schedules

Scheduling Procedures -

  1. Please limit your request to five (5) days per email so that others can have an opportunity to be scheduled as well. There is no max on how many emails per day.
  2. Do not request games, unless you see an "orange" spot. There will be no availabilities kept for future reference.
  3. Request will be from email only, no phone request.
  4. PLEASE divide your tournament game requests and your league game requests to separate emails.


Spring Klein Baseball Official Rules

Umpire Training

If you have any questions regarding baseball umpiring, training and/or scheduling at Spring-Klein please send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. We provide learning opportunities for new umpires to established veteran umpires.

All SKUA training classes are taught using the proven methods of the professional baseball umpire schools.

SKUA Instruction Staff

David Frame: SKUA Umpire in Chief. David is a graduate of the Harry Wendelstedt Umpire School, the Evaluation Course of Minor League Baseball and the Pro Umpire Camp where he also works as an instructor. David worked professionally in the Coastal Plain League, North Atlantic League, and the American Association. David also currently works as an NCAA Division I collegiate umpire.

Mike Carroll: SKUA Chief Instructor. Mike is a graduate of both the Harry Wendelstedt Umpire School and The Umpire Academy by Minor League baseball. Mike attended the Evaluation Course and the Pro Umpire Camp, where he works on the instruction staff. Mike has worked in affiliated Minor League Baseball since 2014. Currently assigned to the AA Texas League. Mike previously worked in the Arizona Rookie League, the Pioneer League, the South Atlantic League and Advanced "A" Florida State League, . Mike has worked Independent Professional baseball for both the North Atlantic and American Associations. Mike also works as an NCAA Division I umpire.   

In addition David and Mike are assisted by a number of current Professional and NCAA umpires on staff at SKUA.


The SKUA Basic I Class will meet on MONDAY'S beginning, Jan. 6th 2025. The class will meet from 6 - 9 pm for the next 6 weeks. Led by David Frame who is assisted by Mike Carroll along with other Professional and NCAA umpires on the SKUA staff.  This class is for umpires with little or no experience. Students will be taught the fundamentals of umpiring, 1 umpire mechanics, and basic 2 umpire mechanics for closed bases. OBR rules, League rules, and how to handle situations on the field. Successful completion of this class will qualify a student to work Coach Pitch and T-Ball games at SKSA. Most other leagues will accept completion of the SKUA class as qualifications to work at their park as well. The cost for this class is $50 for the first time student only, returning students are free.

The SKUA Basic II Class will meet on THURSDAY'S beginning, Jan. 9th 2025. The class will meet from 6 - 9 pm for the next 6 weeks. Led by David Frame who is assisted by Mike Carroll along with other professional and NCAA umpires on the SKUA staff.  This class is for umpires that have some level of experience and is required for any new umpire wishing to work open bases at SKSA. Umpires must have completed the BASIC I class and worked 1 season of closed bases OR have verifiable experience at another league. This class teaches the 2 umpire mechanic with emphasis on plate and base mechanics, ball and strikes consistency, and working in the 2 umpire system. Successful completion of this class will qualify you to work 9u and higher level games at SKSA. Most other leagues will accept completion of this class as qualification to work at their park as well. Returning SKUA students and SKUA members are free. First time attendees are $50

SKUA Advanced 2 Man Camp - TBD THIS CLINIC IS FREE TO SKUA MEMBERS, NON members $125. Friday night classroom session reviewing the 2 umpire system, video & rules discussion, and handling situations. Saturday and Sunday are live game evaluations. Staff will be assigned to fields for in game and post game instruction and evaluation. You will receive a schedule, positions for base and plate will be assigned. You are required to be fully dressed and geared for live games. We will have break out sessions during the day that will include ball/strike cage work, base mechanics, balks, obstruction & interference, and taking plays at the plate. UMPSCARE charity raffle at the conclusion of camp on Sunday. 


Instructed by current MiLB/AA umpire Michael Carroll and his staff of Division 1 College and Minor League umpires. The core instruction of this class is used at other SCUA camps priced at several hundred dollars. Michael started his umpiring career at SKSA and considers it his home. Through this relationship, Michael has made this camp available to SKUA members at a reduced rate which allows SKUA members to attend at no cost (the cost is covered by the association). Non-SKUA members may attend at a reduced rate of $125 for all 3 days. This is the Premier Amateur Umpire Camp offered in the Houston area, no other camp will come close to the level of training that you can receive without traveling several hundred miles and paying many times the cost. Students attending the Basic I and Basic II classes can attend with special breakout sessions taught specifically tailored to your current level. Contact [email protected] for details.


The Spring-Klein Umpire Association (SKUA) is the governing body for the Spring-Klein baseball umpires. SKUA offers opportunities for umpires at a variety of skill levels to officiate youth baseball games. SKUA hosts classes and instructional camps throughout the year to provide essential training for the beginner and advanced mechanics for the seasoned umpire.


New Umpire Information

The first step is to sign-up for a Basic I Class which are scheduled in August and January. Review the Umpire training section for more information below.

The following document covers various topics for first time umpires at SKSA. It includes details for equipment, SKSA policies and game scheduling. If you have any questions please reach out to us at [email protected].

Please fill out your Umpire Contact Sheet HERE

Umpire General Information

Game Cards:Umpires please take an extra minute or two to check and make sure that your game card is filled out accurately before you turn it in. Remember to print legibly and to fill the card out completely. Both Managers signatures are required for all tournament games.

Security: Be aware that some vehicles have been broken into at Rothwood. Leave your valuables at home.

Good Sportsmanship: Be aware of negative comments made to opposing teams. If a team is chanting and cheering, it MUST be for their team and NOT against the opposing team. The proper way to handle this to approach the coach in a professional manner and ask him to advise him team to refrain from negative comments toward opposing teammates as this will not be permitted.

Timeliness: There have been way too many cases of games not starting on time due to umpires arriving late to the park. Please be at the park 30 minutes before game time and on the field eight (8) minutes prior to the first pitch. The first games of the day should NEVER start late. Umpires please do your best to make sure that the 8 PM game starts at 8 PM. The lights will go out at 10:15 PM.

Umpire Etiquette: Remember to always be PROFESSIONAL in everything that you do, on and off the field. Please be aware of your surroundings before, during and after the game. It is not proper to tuck in your shirt around the players or spectators and especially not in front of the concession stands. If you must straighten yourself up, please do so in the umpire dressing area or the restroom facilities. Thanks in advance with your help in this matter. 
NOTE: If an umpire is caught shaving time from any game he will be suspended! Umpires, this is part of professionalism. You do not want anyone to think that you are shaving time. Think about your integrity. Do you want someone to think that you are cheating the kids out of their playing time? The correct answer is "NO".

Umpire Food and Drink Policy: Umpires will receive an umpire discount for all food and drink items in the concession stand. The umpire discount is 50% of the listed price. Water will be the only item that umpires will receive at no cost.


Umpire News and Updates

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