Thank you for registering with Sabino Canyon Little League.
Once you've completed the online registration, which allows you to pay online and add your player to our lists, we'll need your required forms (linked above). You can supply your documents to our league one of two ways - paper or digital. Items below will be needed for you player to receive their Jerseys.
You can upload necessary documents through your account online.
EVERY Saturday in January from 10am - 1pm we will have Board Members at the Udall Baseball Fields to collect registration documents.
Which documents? I'm glad you asked - Is this your First year with Sabino Canyon Little League? or are you a hardened Vet?
All documents are linked above.New Players to the league will need the following items:
Please confirm you're within our boundaries
here first. To be elligible to play within Sabino Canyon Little League, we will need Proof of Residence and/or School Enrollment within our district boundaries. School Enrollment form is generally the easiest if the School your player attends is within our boundary, if not, than the
Residence Check List will be your next stop.
Proof of Residence will require three documents, one from each group you see in the checklist. (For your convenience these documents can be uploaded through your account within this website)
1. Proof of Residence or School Enrollment Form or Waiver Forms
2. Original Birth Certificate - We will need to verify at onsite registration (no copies)
2. Medical Release Form
3. Model Release Form
4. Snack Bar Collateral Check $150 - made out to Sabino Canyon Little League
(this check is held until you complete your player's required volunteer shift at the snack bar, every body must work one 4hr shift unless you buy this shift out for $125)
Returning Players will need the following:
1. Medical Release Form
2. Model Release Form
3. Snack Bar Collateral Check $150 - made out to Sabino Canyon Little League
(this check is held until you complete your player's required volunteer shift at the snack bar, every body must work one 4hr shift unless you buy this shift out for $125)