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Midlothian Athletic Association // MAA

Midlothian Athletic Association // MAA

2021 Fall Baseball

MAA is not involved in the administration of Fall Baseball.
Fall Baseball is provided directly by CBC through their web site. 
Please visit CBC Baseball and direct all questions directly to CBC.

Contact Administrators

MAA Baseball Director: Open Position


Mobile Phone: 

2021 Spring Baseball Registration

Registration for the 2021 Spring Season is Closed.

--->Follow these steps to get ready for the season:

  1. Register Online: Use the registration page to register prior to 3/8/2021.  The sooner the better. This online registration is required to collect key information within the system. The fee this year is $160 plus a $3 processing fee. Payments can be made online using a credit card or in person by check or cash. 

  2. Attend a Uniform Fitting: Due to COVID restrictions we are not hosting uniform fittings. Please provide uniform information during the registration process and be sure to complete the registration process by emailing the following items to the baseball director at [email protected]:

    1. CBC Registration Form:  Email a picture of a signed CBC registration form, which is required by the league.    

    2. Birth Certificate:  Email a picture of the players birth certificate that we can submit to the league with the team roster.

    3. Payment:  Credit Cards: All credit card payments should be made online via this website.
                         Checks: Email a picture of your check payment before mailing it to: MAA at P.O Box 939 Midlothian, Virginia 23113. 

  3. Obtain Equipment:  MAA will provide the uniform pants, shirt and hat.  Your player will also need a belt (Navy), cleats, baseball glove and helmet. Ages 8 and under should wear a protective face guard on the helmet. If you do not have a bat that is okay. Many players will have bats to share and I will be happy to help you pick a bat for your player using a bat sizing chart. Ideally you should practice with different bats to find the one that feels right.  All bats must have the USA baseball stamp on the the handle or BBCOR for ages 12+.  See for list of approved bats and FAQ page. 

  4. Attend the Free Clinic: Due to COVID restrictions we will attempt to provide a clinic type session with each age group prior to finalizing the teams and the level of play for each team. Coaches cover baseball fundamentals with all ages. If you are new to coaching this will help you learn some drills to use at practice. The goal is to bring everyone together as a baseball family, help the players prepare for the season and for the coaches to collaborate with parents regarding the level of play recommended for each team.  

  5. Volunteer to Help:  MAA is a parent-run, volunteer, community association. We depend on parents that want to help the kids have fun. Please consider volunteering as a head coach, assistant coach or another role within your team such as keeping the score book. Please give me a call to discuss how you can plug in. The kids need you!  703-994-3468.

Timeline of Important Dates

Please be sure to provide the needed paper work signed for your player, a birth certificate if new to the association and uniform information.  It is critical that we collect this information so we can place uniform orders in bulk and in a timely manner.   

February 2021 

  • Registration Online only. No in-person uniform fittings. 

March 2021

  • 3/5 - 3/8 Association Day at DICK'S Sporting Goods Chesterfield Town Center
    (20% off coupons)

From 3/5 to 3/8 the Midlothian, Chesterfield Towne Center, Dick’s Sporting Goods store location will be hosting its annual appreciation discount day to assist families and players.

Any Midlothian Athletic Association participant can click this link - Midlothian Athletic Association 20% off entire purchase coupon - to access the appreciation day flyer to receive 20% off your purchase (some exclusions apply)t.  This is a great opportunity to not only get your baseball/softball gear but to also get that kayak or treadmill you have had your eye on!

Midlothian Athletic Association families should print off the appreciation day flyer via the link above or have it on their phone and bring it with them to the Midlothian, Chesterfield Towne Center, Dick’s Sporting Goods store on any day 3/5 - 3/8 in order to take advantage of the 20% discount.

  • 3/8 Team assignments and rosters will be completed this week.

  • 3/15 First Week that teams can practice.  Practice days, times and locations will be determined with input from coaches. 

  • 3/31 Lights turned on automatically at county ball fields.  Until then, please work with the baseball director to reserve fields and lights through the county.  Do not call the county directly.

April 2021

  • 4/13 Mandatory Coaches Meeting &  CBC Rules Clinic (Virtual). One coach from each team must attend.
  • 4/17  Opening Day - Regular Season Starts T-Ball Thru Stallion – PLAY BALL!!

General Baseball Information

What makes MAA/CBC special compared to other Recreational Baseball Leagues?
The short answer is we get to represent our school district and play on teams with our classmates and friends from the neighborhood. The Chesterfield Baseball Club (CBC) is composed of member associations like MAA that play under PONY rules.  Each association represents a school district, ours being the JB Watkins Elementary school district.  Each association forms teams composed of players that go to school together or live in the same school district.  CBC is the best option for getting kids from the same school and local community to play together on the same team.  All other recreational baseball leagues require central registration and use a lottery system to “draft” players on to a team.  The only players guaranteed to be on a given team are the children of the head and assistant coaches.  All other players participate in the “draft” and could be drafted by any team within that age group.  None of this ambiguity exists within the CBC/Pony approach as your home address determines the association team. If your school area does not have an association then you can play for any adjacent school district or association.  Once a team is formed, the director, coaches and parents assess the skills of the team and decide what level to play at during the season. 

Affiliation:  Midlothian Athletic Association (MAA) is a member of the Chesterfield Baseball Club (CBC), which is one of the longest standing youth athletic organization in the county of Chesterfield.  It is comprised of 26 athletic associations based on elementary school attendance boundaries.  CBC is nationally affiliated with Pony Baseball, which governs the rules of play and hosts an international tournament for post season all-stars.  MAA conducts registration, selects coaches, forms teams and provides uniforms.  Game schedules are provided by CBC.

Eligibility:  Children who live within the Watkins Elementary School attendance boundary may play for the MAA as well as children from Old Hundred, Greenfield, Crestwood and Robious Elementary Schools (no athletic association for baseball established within elementary school zone) .  Boys and girls that are at least 4 years old and no older than 18 years old on August 31st of the current year.

Fees:  $160.00  Fees are subject to change from year to year. 

Equipment:  Players are required to provide fielding gloves and cleats.  Batting helmets, bats and catching equipment are provided as needed, since many players are opting to provide their own.  Bats must conform to USA Baseball Bat Standards effective January 1, 2018.  See for list of approved bats and FAQ page.

Team Selection/Assessments:  We make every attempt to have friends or school mates on the same team.  Skill assessments will be held on or after the first Saturday in March to determine the player’s appropriate level of competition.  If two or more teams are to be formed within an age group, then the base ball administartor will collaborate with  parents and coaches to determine the best placement for the player.  Assessments may not be held for age groups with only enough players to form one team.   CBC requires its members to field the highest level of competition within each age group, unless an exception is received from the Commissioner.  For example, if the MAA only receives 12 registrations from 9 & 10 year olds, then the MAA will field a Mustang team and skill assessments will not be required.

Coaches:  Head and Assistant coaches are selected from a pool of volunteers by the Baseball Administrator.  All coaches must complete a volunteer background check and display their co-sponsor coach’s card from Chesterfield County during league games.  The more parent coaches the better so please consider helping out this season.  

Season:  The length varies by league.  Pre-season practice begins following assessments.  The regular season runs mid-April through mid-June for Tee-Ball through Stallion leagues.  Pony begins in mid-May extends to mid-June due to high schools’ junior varsity schedules.  Colt and Sr. Colt play from late June through early August due to high schools’ varsity schedules. 

Practice:  Practice times vary based on field availability and coaches’ personal schedules.  CBC assigns practice times and fields to MAA.  The majority of practices for ages 4-10 are held at Watkins Elementary or Midlo Middle School.  Rockwood Park is typically the primary practice location for the ages 11+ due to the need for larger fields.  Practices are typically once or twice a week during the preseason then limited one per week after the season begins.  

Games:  Tee-Ball through Pinto, Yearling, Palomino and Stallion will play most of their games on Saturdays.  Pinto through Sr. Colt will have games during the week.  Mustang, Bronco, and Pony will play almost all of their games on weeknights with start times between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm.  A majority of games will be played at Rockwood Park, but Palomino and above may play games at Ironbridge Park.  Sundays are typically reserved for makeup games.  Game schedules are typically distributed by CBC the week prior to the first game.  Please note: the Midlothian Athletic Association does not set the game schedules.

Playing Time:  MAA coaches will abide by player participation rules set by CBC.  Tee-Ball through Pony have offensive and defensive participation requirements.

Post Season Play:  Pinto League and above have postseason tournaments.  Participation and seeding is dependent on team record.  Not all teams will make the end of season tournament.

All-Stars:  There are various all-star opportunities following post season play.  CBC will form all-star teams to participate in Pony Baseball’s international tournaments to crown 9U through 18U World Series Champions.  CBC will also form all-star teams to participate in local tournaments and tournaments specifically for coach pitch teams or non-travel baseball players.

Free Agent Policy:  Children who live outside of Watkins Elementary School attendance boundary and do not have CBC member association within their elementary school boundary are considered to be open players and may consider registration with MAA.  Children who live within the Watkins Elementary School attendance boundary will only be released to play for another association if we are unable to place them on a team.  Players who request to play for another association will be released according to the request date and the merits of the individual case.

Insurance:  Supplemental insurance is provided through CBC and is funded by the player’s registration fee.   This insurance covers injuries sustained during a league game or authorized practice.   Primary coverage provided by the player must be utilized first before the supplemental plan becomes effective.  The CBC insurance plan has a $25 deductible and will pay any claims over and above primary coverage up to a maximum of $10,000 for medical claims and $500 for dental claims. 



Midlothian Athletic Association (MAA)
P.O Box 939 
Midlothian, Virginia 23113

Email: [email protected]

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