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Orangetown Patriots Pop Warner


2022 Registration
Registration for both football and cheer will begin March 15th!


OTP Scholar Athletes
Congratulations to our Eastern Region 7th Grade First team scholars, Gianna and Isabella!
Congratulations to our Eastern Region 8th Grade Second Team scholars, Cara and Kayla!


We are so proud to congratulate our 8 Scholar Athletes that have been recognized on the National level as
2019-2020 All American Pop Warner Scholar Athletes!

This honor means that they are part of the top 1.5% of Pop Warner participants across the Nation. 

2nd Team All American Cheer
Aubrey R. 
Olivia R.
Aly C.

Honorable Mention Cheer
Nikki A.
Cara M.
Olivia M.
Alex F.
Grace D.

The Nationals complete list of 2020 Scholars can be viewed on the Pop Warner website at


Congratulations are in order!

Several of our 6th and 7th Grader Cheerleaders have been honored as a member of the Eastern Region Scholar Team. This honor is bestowed upon the top football players and top spirit leaders in the current grade from the Eastern Region's five-state area.

Everyone should all be very proud of their accomplishments; with over 35,000 children participating in Pop Warner's Eastern Region, these scholar athletes have been selected to be part of a very elite group. Their All-American application has been forwarded to Pop Warner National Headquarters for consideration for National Scholastic honors.

The Region's complete list of 2020 First Team of Region Scholars can be viewed on the Region website at



Town of Orangetown Town Meeting
Certificate of Recognition Presentation
Orangetown Patriots Junior Varsity Cheerl Team
Places 3rd Nationally for 2018!

Contact Us

Orangetown Patriots Pop Warner

 P.O. Box 164
Pearl River, New York 10965

Email: [email protected]

Orangetown Patriots Pop Warner

 P.O. Box 164
Pearl River, New York 10965

Email: [email protected]
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