Mexico Pop Warner is committed to safety and ensuring that all of our young participants adhere to strict safety guidelines. Every year, our equipment is inspected. New helmets and pads are always ordered to replace those that will no longer meet safety guidelines. Our Coaches, coaching staff, and board members are CPR certified and take refresher safety courses every year to ensure the best possible outcomes for all of our Mexico Pop Warner Family.
All of us are taught the importance of looking for any signs of injury including abuse, so that no child is at risk. No child will be allowed to play on the field if suspected of an injury, unless cleared by a professional medical examiner.
Mexico Pop Warner, along with the rest of the Pop Warner family, have partnered up with USA Football to ensure everyone is educated on the importance of safety in youth sports, especially with regards to head injuries and concussions.
For more information on the Heads-Up program, please click here. For more information on Pop Warner’s partnership with USA Football, please click here.